高三英语总复习:人教版高中英语必修二Unit Three Computers复习(重点导学、操练巩固).docVIP

高三英语总复习:人教版高中英语必修二Unit Three Computers复习(重点导学、操练巩固).doc

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高三英语总复习:人教版高中英语必修二Unit Three Computers复习(重点导学、操练巩固)

高三英语总复习:人教版高中英语必修二Unit Three Computers复习(重点导学、操练巩固)   Unit Three Computers   一、重点导学   根据所给句子判断知识点的词性词义,并归纳其用法   1、produce 词性: 词义:   After I was programmed by an operator who used cards with holes, I could “think” logically and produce an answer quicker than any person.   在操作员用穿孔卡为我设计程序之后,我能够进行逻辑“思考”,并且能够比任何人更快的算出答案。   That factory produces cars named Bi Yadi.   How many eggs did your hen produce this week?   That century produced many great men.   Hard work produces success.   They produced a new play last week.   He produced a smile on face when he saw me.   ※ 重点操练   Can you______ any proof of your date of birth?(出示)   2、share 词性: 词义:   I was able to share my knowledge with others through the World Wide Web.   我能够通过万维网和其他人分享我的知识。   Good friends should share both joys and sorrows.   The two economists shared the Nobel Economic Prize this year.   The two brothers share the same taste and interests.   This is your share, please take it away.   I have no share in that matter.   I hold 1000 shares of that company.   ※ 重点操练   Let Harry play with your toys as well , Clare---you must learn to _______(分享)   3、provide 词性: 词义:   Anyhow, my goal is to provide humans with a life of high quality.   不管怎么说,我的目标是为人类提供高品质的生活。   The trees provide shade.   Schools provide text-books for students.   School rules provide that students mustn’t smoke.   We all should provide against the spread of H1N1 flu.   He works day and night to provide for his family.   His firm is good and provides him with a car.   Provided that it snows tomorrow, we will put off the sports meeting.   ※ 重点操练   They live on their small farm ____ the family with corn.(提供)   4、determine 词性: 词义:   We are determined to create an even better system. 我们决心要建立一个更好的系统。   We still can’t determine the date for the meeting.   I have determined to study English well.   He was determined not to tell others the secret.   I am determin


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