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l 江西农业大学南昌商学院本科毕业论文 (市场营销专业) ? ? 浅析中国次高档白酒营销问题——以汾酒为例 ? ? ??????????????????姓????名??? ? ??????????????????专????业???市场营销?? ??????????????????指导老师??? ?? ? ? ? ? 江西农业大学南昌商学院 二0一二年十月 ? 摘??要 ? 截至到2011年,中国传统的老八大名酒基本上已经升级完成了蜕变,茅台和五粮液不断的奢侈化,而泸州老窖也开始全力推广中国品味顶级白酒,以及洋河从区域成功登顶中国白酒第一阵营。面对这一系列行业翻天覆地的变革,作为中国白酒的祖师爷级的汾酒,在众多后来者居上之后,一直迷失自己在航线上的汾酒,如何发展壮大,开创自己的一片天地,大力发展文化品牌营销成了汾酒成功的必然选择。 本论文在营销理论的基础上,对处于次高档地位营销环境进行了研究,以山西汾酒为例,通过对次高档白酒行业的现状分析、汾酒的营销环境分析、SWOT分析、STP分析,最后给出汾酒营销4P组合策略的优化建议。 ? ? 【关键词】次高档白酒;汾酒;营销环境 ? Abstract ? Up to 2010, the eight kinds of traditionally well-known wines in China has basically upgraded and completed transformation. There is a luxury trend of Maotai Liquor and Wuliangye Liquor, and Luzhou Liquor company is also fully committed to the promotion of Chinese tasty top liquor. In addition, after experiencing the high-end transformation and turning to Diageo's embrace. Yanghe liquor successfully entered the first camp of the Chinese liquor from a region. Facing a series of great industry revolutions, Fen Liquor, as Chinese longest-historical liquor, how to develop and occupy their own place in the world is a significant matter. Because it has been lost on the route for so long time while many latecomers had caught up. Thus, vigorously developing cultural brand marketing of Fen Liquor is an inevitable choice to success. This paper focused on studying the marketing environment in the high-end position on the basis of the marketing theory. Take Shanxi Fen Liquor as an example, by analyzing the current situation of high-end white industry and the marketing environment of Fen Liquor by the way of SWOT and STP, I will show my opinions about optimizing the 4P marketing mix of Shanxi Fen Liquor. ? ? 【Key Words】senior liquor;Fen liquor;marketing environment ? 目录 ? HYPERLINK "/cgi-bin/viewdocument?sid=OVCAawv6cS_7HgdW&filename=%CA%D0%D3%AA091-%CD%F5%D1%C7%D6%DEdocx&mailid=ZL3716-dh_SSCjZOWfzfmc2wtHyJ35&retry=true&t=attachments_content&ef=qfunc&s=yozo" 摘要 HYPERLIN


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