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第一章路由器配置和文件管理 1.1. 通过TFTP来配置路由器 提问 使用TFTP来加载路由器的配置文件 回答 Router1#copy t/NEWCONFIG running-config Destination filename [running-config]? enter Accessing t/NEWCONFIG... Loading NEWCONFIG from (via FastEthernet0/0.1): ! [OK - 24 bytes] 24 bytes copied in 0.192 secs (125 bytes/sec) Router1# 注释 IOS12.0版本以前使用的configure network命令,另外拷贝至路由器的配置文件应该以End 结尾, 否则会出现下面的错误提示信息:%PARSER-4-BADCFG: Unexpected end of configuration file. 1.2. 保存路由器配置到服务器 提问 保存路由器当前配置文件到TFTP服务器作为备份 回答 Freebsd% touch /tftpboot/router1-confg Freebsd% chmod 666 /tftpboot/router1-confg Freebsd% telnet Router1 Trying ... Connected to Router1. Escape character is ^]. User Access Verification Password: vtypassword Router1enable Password: enablepassword Router1#copy running-config t/router1-confg Address or name of remote host []? enter Destination filename [router1-confg]? enter !!! 9640 bytes copied in 3.956 secs (2437 bytes/sec) Router1# 注释 确保TFTP服务器上的目录和文件可写 1.3. 使用远端配置文件启动路由器 提问 使用另外的配置文件来启动路由器 回答 Router1#configure terminal Enter configuration commands, one per line. End with CNTL/Z. Router1(config)#service config Router1(config)#boot network tftp Network-auto Router1(config)#boot host tftp Router8-auto Router1(config)#end Router1# 注释 service config缺省是关闭的,如果打开缺省会去查找的文件名为network-config, cisconet.cfg, router1-confg, router1.cfg等 1.4. 保存大于NVRAM大小的配置文件 提问 配置文件过大,超过了可用的NVRAM 大小 回答 Router1#configure terminal Enter configuration commands, one per line. End with CNTL/Z. Router1(config)#service compress-config Router1(config)#end Router1# 注释 可以使用show startup-config来验证 Router1#show startup-config Using 5068 out of 29688 bytes, uncompressed size = 9969 bytes Uncompressed configuration from 5068 bytes to 9969 bytes 1.5. 清除启动配置文件 提问 清除配置文件恢复到出厂设置 回答 Router1#erase nvram: (erase startup-config) Erasing the nvram filesystem will remove all files! Continue? [confirm] enter [OK] Erase


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