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摘要 改革开放以来,饮料行业在我国市场开始逐步发展起来,外国饮料的进入给我国的饮料行业带来又一次的高潮,经济快速的发展,人们消费水平逐步提高,饮料从奢侈品逐渐转变成了大众生活的必需品。碳酸饮料进入中国市场以后,从不被本国消费者接受到被消费者认可再到受消费者的欢迎。碳酸饮料在我国市场已成为饮料行业的领导者。作为世界五百强企业之一的可口可乐公司,从进入中国市场开始,一直保持着领先的地位。我国是茶饮料的故乡,传统口味的茶饮料这几年已经发展成为最受欢迎的饮料,复合型果汁饮料因含维生素、矿物质和低聚糖成分,正在营造健康饮料的新概念,这成为继碳酸饮料,瓶装水之后,饮料市场的又一引领者。本国的茶饮料,果汁类饮料的异军突起对碳素饮料有着巨大的冲击,虽然有着很大的冲击。但可口可乐公司的碳酸饮料这一项在本国市场的占有率依然达到48%。可口可乐公司是如何在中国市场的立足40余年之久的不败之地。 本文就以可口可乐公司为样本,研究可口可乐公司在中国市场的环境因素及各种促销手段,从可口可乐的政治法律环境、经济环境、社会环境、技术环境方面进行分析。从促销手段的广告促销、公关促销、互联网促销、本土化策略促销的各种方面进行总结,获得出可口可乐公司先进的促销手段,从而发现中国本土企业的促销方面的不足,进而得到改进。 关键词:可口可乐 环境因素 促销手段 Abstract Since the reform and opening up policy . China’s beverage industry market began to gradually developed .Foreign drinks has entered into China’s beverage industry with another climax. Rapid economic development, the improvement of people consumption level.Dinks have changed into a kind of the necessities of life from a sort of luxury. After carbonated drinks entering into the Chinese market,drinks aren’t accepted by domestic consumers firstly,but now it is very definitely popular ,carbonated drinks in China’s market has become the leader of the beverage industry. As one of the top enter prices o, the Coca-Cola company, from starting to enter the Chinese market, has been maintained a leading position in. China is the hometown of tea drinks, the traditional taste of tea drinks in recent years has become a popular drink,which compound with fruit juicebeverage. Because it contains vitamins, minerals and oligosaccharides composition, is to create a healthy drink new concept, and this became another leader after the carbonated drinks, bottled water, China’s tea drinks appearing in the beverage market. The rise of the fruit juice drinks has a huge impact on the carbonated drinks. Although it has a huge impact, the Coca-Cola company carbonated beverage occupied about forty percent of domestic market share. The Coca-Cola company is the place which keeps a foothold in the Chinese market for more than forty ye


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