国外国际BS 12-1996 scan.pdf

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BRITISH STANDARD BS 12 :1996 Specification for Portland cement NO COPYING WITHOUTBSI PERMISSION EXCEPT AS PERMIïTED BY COPYRIGHT LAW COPYRIGHT British Standards Institute on ERC Specs and StandardsCOPYRIGHT British Standards Institute on ERC Specs and Standards Licensed by Information Handling ServicesLicensed by Information Handling Services - BSI B S m l 2 9b Lb24bb9 0532202 78T = BS 12 :1996 Committees responsible for this British Standard The preparation of this British Standard was entrusted by Technical Committee Bí516, Cement and lime, to Subcommittee B/516/6, Cement specifications, upon which the following bodies were represented: British Aggregate Construction Materials Industries British Cement Association British Precast Concrete Federation British Ready Mixed Concrete Association Cement Admixtures Association Cementitious Slag Makers’ Association County Surveyors’ Society Department of the Environment (Building Research Establishment) Department of Transport (Highways Agency) Electricity Association


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