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PAGE 多孔性介質集熱座對引擎廢熱回收熱電轉換系統發電性能之影響 Effect of the Porous Heat Absorber on the Generating Electricity of Thermoelectric Generator System for Engine Waste Heat Recovery 曾憲中*、鄭澤明、陳柏村 S-C Tzeng*, T-M Jeng, P-T Chen 建國科技大學機械工程系 Department of Mechanical Engineering, Chienkuo Technology 摘 要 隨著熱電技術的開發,相關熱電晶片的應用與研究也愈來愈受重視,車輛引擎系統本身具有加熱源與冷卻源,對熱電晶片的溫差發電提供良好的運用環境,而熱電晶片冷、熱端的溫差愈大,愈能獲得理想的發電功率,要增大溫差,就要利用熱傳增益技術使熱電晶片兩端分別與加熱源與冷卻源產生最佳的熱交換率。金屬多孔性介質具有高散熱面積及重量輕之特性,已獲證明為優良的熱交換器,但多孔結構會降低等效熱傳導能力,因此若能設計適當鰭柱當成導熱柱,彌補金屬多孔性介質其熱傳導能力下降的缺點,將成為新穎的高效率熱交換器,本文提出將此種具導熱柱之新穎多孔性介質吸熱座應用於車輛熱能回收系統上,必能大幅增強效益,值得深入研究及技術開發。本文主要工作為建立車輛引擎具高效能散熱及熱電轉換之技術,規劃不同型式之具導熱柱之新穎多孔性介質吸熱座,找出最大熱集中效應,迅速吸收引擎廢氣的熱能,並利用熱電轉換技術轉換成電能。 關鍵字:廢熱回收、熱傳、多孔性介質。 Abstract Based on the development of the thermoelectric technology, the applications and studies of the thermoelectric chip are more and more important. The heating and cooling sources in the engine of vehicle can be used to build the temperature gradient between the two side surfaces of the thermoelectric chip, and then the thermoelectric chip can generate the electric power. Using the technology of heat transfer enhancement to increase the temperature gradient can obtain the better generation of electricity. The metallic porous medium has been proven to be the good heat exchanger due to its large heat dissipated surface area and light weight. However, its porous structure also reduces the effective conductivity. This work proposed a novel porous heat sink with conductive cylinders to supplement the heat transfer. If the novel porous heat absorber is used in the waste heat recovery of the vehicle, it will greatly increase the related performance. This work focuses on the establishment of the technology with high efficient heat transfer and thermoelectric conversion in the vehicle engine. We designed several different configurations of porous heat absorbers as well as intended to find the effect of the heat accumulation to rapidly absorb the waste heat, and then combine the thermoelectri



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