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3 Company and Enrollment Module Company and Enrollment test Review Chinese IIAB (IIA +IIB) Step 1 Step 2 Click on Audio Setup Wizard to test your sound if it is good. Click on Mute My speaker to mute sound. Click on people to your different need. Step 3 To exit Adobe Click Allow Please click on page 6 to find Module Learning Guide in the right panel under Handouts in the first module. Please save and download to print out for off line learning. Module Learning Guide and notes is your digital text book. At the same time, you can copy and paste to save some important notes for off line learning too. For example on page 2 and 3, there are many characters with pinyin and English translation. You will need to install Chinese simplified (PRC) in your keyboard. Please learn on page 4 of How to install Chinese pinyin in Welcome to Chinese folder in the content area. Where is e-Textbook? Read the following paragraph, and then answer the questions or make the sentences according to the text. 喂,你好。请问你是王明吗? -喂,你好,我是王明。 -我是麦古广告公司策划部的实习生小松平子。 我打电话是想通知你,下周四来面试。 -谢谢您!那我需要做什么吗? -嗯,请你当天早上9点到公司。带好所有证件和你的简历。 如果你被录取的话,我们会再联系你。 -哦,好的。谢谢! -再见! 王明面试当天应该……?(Wang Ming mian shi dan tian ying gai…) What should Wang Ming need to do on the interview day? =早上8点多到公司,带好所有证件和简历 (zhao shang ba dian duo dao gong si, dai hao suo you zheng jian he jian li) Wong Ming should be at company before 9 and prepare all documents and resume. Review Q1 Read the following paragraph, and then answer the questions or make the sentences according to the text. 喂,你好。请问你是王明吗? -喂,你好,我是王明。 -我是麦古广告公司策划部的实习生小松平子。 我打电话是想通知你,下周四来面试。 -谢谢您!那我需要做什么吗? -嗯,请你当天早上9点到公司。带好所有证件和你的简历。 如果你被录取的话,我们会再联系你。 -哦,好的。谢谢! -再见! 小松平子是……?(xiao song ping zi shi…?) What is job title for Xiao Song Ping Zi? =麦古广告公司策划部实习生(mai gu guang gao gong si ce hua bu shi xi sheng) She is a intern worker in Mai Gu advertising company. Review Q2 Read the following paragraph, and then answer the questions or make the sentences


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