The Differences between Chinese Characters and English Words and Culture浅议汉字与英文间的中西文化差异.docx

The Differences between Chinese Characters and English Words and Culture浅议汉字与英文间的中西文化差异.docx

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The Differences between Chinese Characters and English Words and Culture 浅议汉字与英文间的中西文化差异 摘要 世界因不同的文化而丰富多彩,生机勃勃,每一种文化都是人类智慧的结晶,在学习各种不同文化的旅程中,可以开阔视野,拓展思维,汲取外夷之长技。文字是记载人类文明的重要工具,也是中西民族传统文化的具体体现。 随着时代的发展,中西文化交流融合,越来越多的人掌握了多门语言文字,在熟练运用语言的同时,我们更希望通过文字,口语等深入的了解每个文化的精髓,领略人类伟大的集体智慧。 本文选取两个代表性的文字:汉字与英文。通过对比其起源,发展历史,书写工具,写作风格及写作态度,来阐述两种文化的一些差异。随着时代发展,中西文化交流,更多的人接触到不同的文化,在比较文化差异的同时,吸取优秀的文化以提高本名族文化,从而促进文化发展,社会进步。 关键词:汉字;英文;文化;书写工具;书写风格。 ABSTRACT Culture consists of activities such as the arts and philosophy, which are considered to be important for the development of civilization and of peoples minds. The word is abundant colorful because of different culture. Culture is crystallization of the wisdom human. Characters which are important instrument to record human culture are the concrete reflection of the differences of cultural background between China and western countries. These paper select two representative characters: Chinese characters and English words. The following are some comparisons of their origin, historical development, writing tools, writing style, writing attitude. From these we can know differences of culture between China and western countries. With the development, cultural exchange, more people are attaching different cultures, cultural differences, while in comparison; outstanding cultural lessons can improve the national culture, thereby promoting cultural development and social progress. KEY WORDS: Chinese character; English words; culture; writing instruments; writing style. TABLE OF CONTENTS ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS…………………………………………………………...ii ABSTRACT IN CHINESE…………………………………………………………...iii ABSTRACT IN ENGLISH………………………………………………..………….iv TABLE OF CONTENTS…………………………………………………….………..v TOC \o 1-3 \h \z \u CHAPTER 1 HYPERLINK \l _Toc386482715 The origin and development of characters PAGEREF _Toc386482715 \h 8 HYPERLINK \l _Toc386482716 1.1 The origin and development of Chinese characters PAGEREF _Toc386482716 \h 8 HYPERLINK \l _Toc386482717 1.1.1Characters


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