《余学清-IgAN 治疗现状与思考》.ppt

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* 我觉得通过肉眼血尿和镜下血尿患者的对比,可以发现很多临床病理特点,而如果仅对肉眼血尿的137例患者分成无蛋白尿和微量蛋白尿组进行对比,得到的信息很少(后面有这方面分析的结果) * 肉眼血尿与新月体形成相关,并且有研究认为IgAN出现血尿是因为炎症影响的原因。 Priscilla Kincaid-Smith,Kenneth Fairley. The Investigation of Hematuria. Semin Nephrol. 2005;25:127-135 * * * * 素食,少动物蛋白,减少激活粘膜炎症反应 benapril: ID or II 基因型 对ACE-I治疗反应好,而ACE-I治疗对 DD 型病人无论从延缓肾功能还是减少蛋白尿效果不佳。 65例年轻(9-35岁) with 中度proteinuria (1-3.5 g/day per 1.73 m2) and CCr50 mL/min per 1.73 m2 benazepril (0.2 mg/kg per day) or placebo . antiinflammatory mechanisms, is not well defined 106 例基础CCr 80 mL/min,蛋白排泄 2.5 to 3 g/day 随机鱼油12 g 和等量olive oil 2年。 在血压控制和尿蛋白排泄方面无差距。 4年肌酐倍增发生率低6% 而对照组33%;death or ESRD 发生率低(10% versus 40% ). 随访超过 6 years, benefits of continuous fish oil therapy persisted (15 versus 37 percent incidence of ESRD) 荟萃分析无益处,仍需进一步大样本的研究 fishy aftertaste and eructation with this treatment that often limit patient acceptance * 2 versus 21 percent at five years and 2 versus 30 percent at 10 years * Maes BD et al 为使MMF治疗患者最大化,采用2:1随机入组;血肌酐年下降率处于中度IgAN,重度稍轻;MPA predose level * * * * All parameters were compared with data from patients with proteinuria 0.30g/d, P0.05, adjusted by Bonferroni method. * 0.30 ,最大随访月为94.9月; 0.30-0.50,为93.8月;0.50-1.00,为95.7月;≥1,00,为93.8月 Gender diferences have been documented in the feld of nephrology. Women seem to be somewhat protected from developing ESRD. The cumulative incidence of ESRD remains low during the reproductive ages and begins to rise 10 years later in women than in men among participants in community-based screen-ings (Figure 1).A nationwide survey of ESRD by the Japanese Society for Dialysis Terapy revealed a higher incidence and prevalence in men than in women. Further, the mean age at the start of dialysis is also higher in women than in men * 由于数据库从2006年开始随访,同无新月体的生存分析比较分析2006年的数据 * 25.1%LN有新月体 * 系膜增殖程度按照连续变量进行校正,把局灶增殖编码为0,弥漫增殖轻中重分别为1、2、3.按照分类变量校正同样没有意义。 * 系膜增殖程度按照连续变量进行校正,把局灶增殖编码为0,弥漫增殖轻中重分别为1、2、3.按照分类变量校正同样没有意义。 * * * 两组病人的临床表型情况 总体 血压昼夜节律异常 杓型血压 P值 例数 148 124 24 单纯镜下血尿型 (n,


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