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PAGE JIANGSU UNIVERSITY 本 科 生 毕 业 论 文 基于射频卡燃气表的设计 Design of Prepayment Gas meter based on smart card 学 院 名 称: 计算机科学与通信工程学院 专 业: 通信工程 班 级: 通信(1)班 姓 名: 指导教师姓名: 指导教师职称: 讲 师 年5 月20日 PAGE 基于射频卡燃气表的设计 摘要 为适应国家用天然气制度的改革,研究和利用现代化智能技术对天然气实行自动控制,减轻供气管理部门因“先供气后收费”造成的资金压力,减少每月抄表、收费所带来的麻烦和因收费问题带来的纠纷,用现代化科学技术手段改变供气管理体制的落后现状,势在必行。基于射频卡的智能气表不但可以提高供气部门的工作效率,而且在技术上为节约用气、合理用气创造了条件,由于这些特点,基于射频卡的智能气表得到了越来越广泛的应用。 本论文以基于射频卡的智能气表系统为研究对象,重点探讨了基于MSP430超低功耗单片机在智能气表上的应用和开发。根据智能气表的特点,针对现有射频卡预付费燃气表在实际应用中存在的问题,研究了一个基于射频卡的预付费智能气表的设计方案,该方案采用微功耗单片机技术,选用美国德州仪器公司最新推出的16位MSP430系列单片机,完成了基于射频卡的气表的样机制作和软件编程,具有稳定性、安全性和低功耗的特点。在控制器的软硬件设计中,介绍了控制器的硬件结构,制定了密钥存储和分发方案,保证了数据传输的安全。 关键词:射频卡 MSP430单片机 低功耗 智能气表 Design of Prepayment Gas meter based on smart card Abstract In order to adapt the reform of the nation system of natural gas supply, studying and making use of the modem intelligence technique to realize the automatic supervision of the gas supply, lightening the funds pressure because of“ supply natural gas first behind charge” of the department supplying natural gas, reducing the trouble and dispute of copying the form and charging monthly, using the modem science technique change the current administration structure of using gas and gas supply industry is imperative under the situation. The application of intelligent gas meter not only improves work efficiency of the department supplying gas and realizes using gas electronically but also creates a condition for using gas frugally and rationally. Because of these characteristics, intelligent gas meter obtained more and more widespread application. This thesis takes intelligent gas-meter system based on IC card as the research object, and application and the development of the low power msp430 microcontroller in the intelligence instrument is discussed in detail. According to the characteristics of int



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