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A popular Sports -Yoga 姓名: 院系:体育部 126.com Contents Advice History of yoga Yoga s moves The benefits of yoga Some types A B D YOGA E History of yoga Yoga in India had been circulating for thousands of years.Yogas origin can be traced back to the earliest the Indus (印度河) civilization times, dates back at least three thousand years BC previously.During five thousand years, it has been reflected India an important part of culture,and now become a popular sport all over the world. History of yoga Father of yoga: Patanjali statue 瑜伽之祖:帕坦伽利塑像 Patanjali Yoga College 印度帕坦伽利瑜伽学院 Yogas types Yoga has many kinds, one should choose to suit oneself yoga types.There are many types , such as : relieving yoga high temperature yoga pregnant woman yoga double yoga parent-child yoga ………. Yogas types Yoga s moves The Cobra—Relieving minor backache and toning abs(abdominals) Step1:Lie on your stomach with legs and feet together.Plant palms on the floor beneath shoulders with fingers facing forward. Yoga s moves Step 2:Raise upper body by slowly lifting the head and chest,making sure to keep shoulders down. Pelvis and thighs shouldn’t leave the yoga mat. Step 3:Hold pose for 20 to 30 seconds as you take even breaths through your nose.Return to your starting position and repeat once. Yoga s moves Bow Pose—Strengthening spine and increasing lung capacity. Yoga s moves Step 1:Lie facedown with forehead on the floor.Part legs,bend knees,then take hold of ankles. Step 2:Lift upper body and thighs by raising your head toward the ceiling and pressing ankles back against your hands. Step 3:Balance on your stomach;the goal is to hold the pose without rocking.After 20 seconds,ease into starting position. The benefits of yoga Research shows that


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