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* * * 自下而上的发展三个阶段:课件、教案、课程 * * * 2.1.1五种基本句子结构 主语 + 不及物动词 ( S + Vi ) 主语 + 及物动词 +宾语 ( S + Vt + O) 主语+双宾动词+间宾+直宾(S +Vt +O.indir+O. dir) 主语 + 宾补动词 +宾语 +宾语补语 (S + Vt. + O + O. compl) 主语 + 系动词 + 表 (S + LV + predicative) 9个单词简单句成分分析: 定语? 状语? 主 谓 宾 2.1.2 简单句写作思路--- 一个公式,四大经验 (1)一个公式:1-2-3-4-5 5(状) — 1(主)—2(谓)—3(宾)—4(定)—5(状) 将以下句子从1-2-3模式一直到1-2-3-4-5模式,请大家逐个翻译一下,仔细对比英语顺序与汉语顺序的差异。 英汉相似点:1-2-3顺序完全一样(5分) 英汉相异点:汉语次信息先出现;英语主信息先出现.(7分) 我们应该促进在环境问题上贫国和富国的交流. 我们应该促进交流. ★英文学术文体里,定语,状语的位置!!! Writing skills adj.(前置定语) +n. n. + adj.(后置定语) 合格的毕业生 学习成绩合格的毕业生 学习成绩合格但缺乏社交技能的毕业生 qualified graduates graduates who are qualified in academic record but are lack of social skills A.添加次信息---定语 the ability to survive falls(不定式) the idea expressed(分词) Bank of China(介词短语) a man who is stubborn (从句) graduates qualified in academic record Views on the issue in question vary from person to person. Radio programs contribute to the cultivation of the capacity of the imagination of the listeners, especially the adolescents. Their high standard showed the progress made. Overall, I disagree with the opinion expressed. Yet , a father accepting responsibility for behavior problems is linked with positive outcomes . Education is of vital importance for the development of individual and well-being of societies. What should education consist of to fulfill both functions? Task 2 真题 剑桥范文例句 后置定语 是英语直线型思维方式的表现. 是地道的学术写作的特色. 外刊 B.添加次信息---状语随便置 如今,出国成为一种社会潮流. Nowadays , going abroad has become a social currency.★ Going abroad , nowadays, has become a social currency. ★ Going abroad has become, nowadays, a social currency. Going abroad has become a social currency, nowadays. 高分副词: ?Mainly=primarily=chiefly=mostly,主要地? properly=appropriately,适度地 ? understandably 可以理解, overwhelmingly 占绝对优势地 ,? instantly 快速地,? clearly,? radically 基本上 ,? merely=just=only,? unnecessarily 没必要,? impulsively 冲动地,?? especially 特别地,? entirely =c


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