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What are the teachings of Confucius? 孔子的教义是什么 The right names had social, spiritual, ritual and normative meaning. According to everybodys rank, man had to use a certain etiquette (li 禮, a term originally meaning ritual offering) and man had to be righteous (yi 義), this means, to behave with all moral qualities in every concrete situation. All these duties seem to be a suppression of freedom in later orthodox Confucianism, but they were meant as a protection from arbitrariness: The most superior person, the ruler, had not only to use ritual etiquette against his ancestors, but he had to exert a human (ren 仁) government, like the father had to show benevolence (ci 慈) to an obedient son. Power and superiority, in Confucius thinking, is not severed from reciprocity, the dividing etiquette is mitigated by humanity. 正确的“姓名”具有社会性、精神性、仪式性和规范性意义。根据每个人的等级,人必须用一定的礼仪(李禮,一词原意为“礼祭”)和人是义(义義),这意味着,要在每一个具体的情况,所有的道德素质。所有这些职责似乎在后来的正统儒家压制自由,但他们是作为从任意性保护:最优秀的人,统治者,不仅用礼仪对他的祖先,但他努力的人(仁仁)政府,像父亲的秀仁(CI慈)到一个孝顺的儿子。孔子思想中的权力和优越性不是与互惠分离的,而是通过人性来缓和的。 Please tell us one aspect of the influence of Confucianism. 请告诉我们儒家思想影响的一个方面 The vast empire of the Han Dynasty made it necessary to rely on a well organized scholarship elite that also was able to supply administrative officials. Only the well-read Confucian scholars (rujia 儒家) were able to fulfill such an immense task. Their deep knowledge of the old writings provided the emperors with the needed Heaven approved authority to lead the government of the empire. The dynastic calendar and yearly ritual offerings to Heaven and Earth all based upon the old Confucian classical writings. 汉朝的庞大帝国使得有必要依赖一个组织良好的奖学金精英,这些精英也能够提供行政官员。只有博览群书的学者Confucian(如家儒家)能够完成这样一个巨大的任务。他们对古代著作的深刻了解为皇帝提供了领导帝国政府所需的上天批准的权力。以旧儒家经典为基础的《天与年、天与地球祭》。 What would you say about Chinese Language if you’re to introduce it to a foreign friend? 如果你要介绍给外国朋友,你会怎么说中文? As is well-known, written Chinese is not an alphabetic language, but a script of ideograms. Their formation follows three princ


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