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報告吧報告吧 免費分享免費分享 April 2017 The impact of the internet and digitalization on the European creative sector by Oliver Ohlbaum Associates Ltd and Analysys Mason www.baogaoba.xyz 獨家收集 每天更新 免費分享www.baogaoba.xyz 獨家收集 每天更新 免費分享 報告吧報告吧 免費分享免費分享 About Oliver Ohlbaum Oliver Ohlbaum (OO) is one of Europe’s leading independent policy and strategy advisors to the media and entertainment industry, where it has unrivalled knowledge and expertise. OO’s clients include leaders in digital media, digital streaming services and several European television stations. About Analysys Mason Analysys Mason is an international consultancy renowned for its expertise, independence and rigour in the telecoms, media and technology sectors. Its portfolio includes multiple projects on the long-term evolution of TV distribution platforms and work for regulators on the use of data in the media and online publishing sectors. This report was written by Oliver Ohlbaum Associates Ltd and Analysys Mason, and was commissioned and funded by Google. The opinions stated therein are those of the authors. Every effort has been made to trace copyright holders and obtain permission for the use of such material in this report. The authors apologise for any errors or omissions, and ask www.baogaoba.xyz 獨家收集 每天更新 免費分享www.baogaoba.xyz 獨家收集 每天更新 免費分享 that they be notified of any corrections. THE IMPACT OF THE INTERNET ON THE CREATIVE SECTOR 報告吧報告吧 免費分享免費分享 Contents Glossa


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