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哈尔滨工业大学工学硕士学位论文 - PAGE II - - 能满足某种需要的轨道设计 摘 要 铁路弯道设计对火车运行安全起着至关重要的作用. 由于火车经常需要由直线轨道进入到圆轨道, 而直接进入到圆轨道会产生很多安全问题. 缓和曲线正解决了这一问题. 缓和曲线设计要素主要包括缓和曲线线型、缓和曲线长度、外轨超高等. 本文通过对三个要素的分析讨论, 阐述了货车在运行过程中的安全问题以及轨道设计应遵循的一些基本原则. 分别讨论了路面高度不变与路面高度变化两种情况. 在满足列车运行安全和考虑旅客舒适度以及实际施工难度等诸多因素下, 最后得出结论是抛物线型缓和曲线比较适合充当缓和曲线. 这一结论也与实际情况相吻合. 关键词 铁路弯道; 缓和曲线; 三次抛物线型; 外轨超高 Design of tracks meeting some demands Abstract Railway design plays a vital role for the safety of the operation of a train. Since a train switches from a linear track to a circular orbit regularly and doing such a switch directly would cause safety problems, it is necessary to introduce cushioning curves to bridge them up. The design of cushioning curves includes the design of the type and the length of these curves, and the difference between the heights of the two tracks will also be taken into consideration. Through the analysis of these three elements in the design of cushioning curves, we introduced possible security issues and certain principles in the design of railway tracks. Both the cases when the height of the road is changing or is constant are discussed. When the safety of the operation of train, comfort of passengers, and the feasibility of the construction are all taken into consideration, it is shown that parabolic curves are suitable for cushioning curves. This conclusion fits with the actual situation well. Keywords  railway turning; curve; three parabolic line; the rail high in the outside PAGE II - - - PAGE III - 目录 摘要 = 1 \* ROMAN I Abstract = 2 \* ROMAN II TOC \o "1-3" \h \z \u HYPERLINK \l "_Toc265163794" 第1章 绪论 PAGEREF _Toc265163794 \h 1 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc265163795" 1.1 课题背景 PAGEREF _Toc265163795 \h 1 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc265163796" 1.1.1 铁路的发明 PAGEREF _Toc265163796 \h 1 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc265163797" 1.1.2 铁路的发展历程 PAGEREF _Toc265163797 \h 2 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc265163798" 1.1.3 我国铁路的建设过程 PAGEREF _Toc265163798 \h 3 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc265163799" 1.2 问题的提出及研究的意义 PAGEREF _Toc265163799 \h 5 HYPERLINK \


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