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1. 生长是指机体的生理改变及形态增长,可用量化的指标来测量,如身高、体重、骨密度、牙齿变化等。 Growth is physical change and increase in size. It can be measured quantitatively. Indicators of growth include height, weight, bone size and dentition. 2. 发展是指个体功能的成熟和能力的演进,是个体适应环境的能力和技能体现。 Development is an increase in the complexity of function and skill progression. It is the capacity and skill of the individual to adapt to the environment. 3.个体生长发展的速度是高度个别化的,但其整体顺序却是可预测的。 The rate of a person’s growth and development is highly individual, but the sequence of growth and development is predictable. 4. 遗传和环境是影响个体生长发展的主要因素。 Genetics and environment are the primary factors influencing growth and development. 5.弗洛伊德指出刺激人活动的潜在动力是一种动态的精神能量,弗洛伊德将其称为力比多。 Freud proposed that the underlying motivation to human development is a dynamic, psychic energy, which he called libido. 6. 本我处于潜意识层面,遵循快乐原则,寻找即刻的快乐与满足;自我是人的现实层面,力图在社会和物理环境现实允许的范围内平衡本我需要的满足;超我包括良心和自我理想,良心通常是父母或社会文化的期望,自我理想是个体努力想达到的完美状态及标准。 The id resides in the unconscious and, operating on the pleasure principle, seeks immediate pleasure and gratification. The ego, the realistic part of the person, balances the gratification demands of the id with the limitations of social and physical circumstances. The superego contains the conscience and the ego ideal. The conscience is usually as a result of parental and cultural expectations. The ego ideal comprises the standards of perfection toward which the individual strives. 7. 艾瑞克森的理论认为发展是贯穿整个生命过程的,包括8个发展阶段,每个阶段都有一个发展的中心任务必须完成。这些发展阶段也被称为一系列的发展危机,成功地解决每一阶段的危机有利于健康人格的顺利发展,如果不能成功地解决发展阶段的危机,则会影响个体的人格发展。 Erikson’s theory proposed that life is a sequence of eight stages of development. Each stage signals a task that must be accomplished. These developmental stages can be viewed as a series of crises. Successful resolution of these crises supports healthy ego development. Failure to resolve the crises damages the ego. 8.皮亚杰认为认知发展是一个顺序发展的过程,智力发展需建立在多种新经验刺激的基础上。个体通常采用同化、顺应及适应的策略来发展认知能力。 According to


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