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2016年中考英语专题复习:短文首字母填空专项训练(有答案) 一.根据短文意思和所给首字母,写出一个完整正确的单词。 The United Nations declared March 22nd as a day for water in 1992. For human beings, water not only is an important resource to survive and (51) g________, but also offers fun and pleasure. Could you imagine what the world would be like (52) w________ water? Nowadays, we are (53) f________ an increasing number of environmental problems such as water pollution and water shortage. Something must be done to save and protect water (54) i________. The special day is a day for us to think about what we have done and what we should do. I (55) b________ the environment will become better and better if we follow the spirit of the World Water Day. 二.短文填空 根据短文内容及首字母提示,补全空格内单词,使短文完整、通顺。(10分) How can we students keep ourselves safe? Here are some tips. On your way home or to school: Wait for the g__1__ traffic light, and look left and right before you cross the road. If you see a car coming, dont cross until it really s__2__. Dress in bright colors, so the drivers can see you e__3__. At school: When students around you begin to push, try to hold onto something, or stay in a safer corner. If you f__4__ down in a crowed place, cover your head w__5__ both hands. When theres a fire: Stay calm and leave quickly. Use a piece of wet cloth to cover your mouth and nose so that you dont breathe in s__6__. If your clothes catch fire, drop to the ground and roll from side to side to p__7__ out the fire. For eating: Wash f__8__ like apples or pears carefully before you eat them. Cheek the expiration dates(保质期) and if your food looks or smells b__9__, dont eat it. For riding on the escalator(自动扶梯): Hold onto the handrails(扶手) and stand on the right side of the escalator because right arms are stronger. It is d__10__ to run up and down on them. You may fall down because escalator steps are ont designed for running. 三.短文填空。 阅读下面短文,根据短文内容及首字母提示补全文中所缺的单词。答案写在题后的横线上。 Travel can teach kids more than a textbook. Travelling with kids is


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