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检 测 技 术 第 3 1 卷 第 6 期 核 电 工 程 主 管 道 窄 间 隙自 动 焊 R T 层 间 疑 似 缺 陷 的 处 理 马新朝 (中国核电工程有限公司方家山项目部 嘉兴 314303) 摘 要:文章以方家山核电工程 2# 机组 1U4、1U6 主管道焊口在焊接过程中出现的疑似层间未熔合 缺陷为例,分析了核电工程主管道窄间隙自动焊的焊接特点,提出了如何避免出现焊接缺陷的措施;分析 了核电主管道厚壁铸造奥氏体不锈钢的 RT 特点,采用焊缝中心透照及偏移焊缝中心两次透照的方法,可 以有效避免漏检缺陷,同时,采取 UT 工艺是检验焊接质量和缺陷定位的良好实践,可以广泛应用于厚壁 管的焊接检验。 关键词:核电工程 主管道 窄间隙自动焊 RT 疑似缺陷 Treatment to the RT Suspected Layer Defects in Narrow Gap Automatic Welding on Nuclear Power Engineering Ma Xinchao (China Nuclear Power Engineering Co,ltd (Fangjiashan Nuclear Power Project Department) Jiaxing 314303) Abstract Taking the 2# unit 1U4, 1U6 main pipe welding joint with suspected interlayer incomplete fusion defects in FangjiaShan nuclear power project as an example, this paper analyzes the narrow-gap automatic welding characteristics of main pipe, puts forward measures to avoid weld defects. The paper also analyzes the RT characteristics of nuclear power main pipe with thick casting austenitic stainless steel. Using the method of weld center transillumination and migration of weld center twice transillumination, can effectively avoid undetected defects. Also, the UT process is a good practice of welding quality inspection and flaw location, and could be widely applied on the welding test of thick walled tube. Keywords Nuclear power project Main pipeline Narrow gap automatic welding The RT suspected defects X924.2 B 中图分类号 : 文献标识码: 文章编号:1673-257X(2015)06-47-07 DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1673-257X.2015.06.010 方 家 山 核 电 工 程 2# 机 组 主 管 道 过 渡 段 1U4、 PT、RT 均 合 格; 继 续 焊 接 50% 厚 度 后,1U4


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