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27 ( 2) 现代化工 Nov. 2007 2007 11 Modern Chem cal Industry # 141 # / pH 1 1 2 2 熊小京, 申 茜, 王 慧, 郑天凌 ( 1. 厦门大学环境科学研究中心, 福建厦门361005; 2. 厦门大学生命科学学院应用与环境微生物所, 福建厦门361005) : / ( A/ O MBR) , KN- R , pH , A/ O MBR - , pH , , , , , , : ; / ; pH; : X799. 6 : A : 0253- 4320( 2007) S2- 0 14 1- 04 Analysis of decoloration behaviors at the different pH of simulated dyeing wastewater in anaerobic- aerobic membrane bioreactor 1 1 2 2 XIONGXiao-j ing , SHEN Qian , WANGHui , ZHENG Tian-ling ( 1. Env ronmental Sc ence Research Center, X amen Un vers ty, X amen 361005, Ch na; 2 . Inst tute of Appl ed and Env ronmental B ology, School of L fe Sc ences, X amen Un vers ty, X amen 361005 , Ch na) Abstract: In order to nvest gate the decolorat on behav or n treatment of pr nt ng and dye ng w astew ater by anaerob c- aerob c MBR process, UV- VIS spectrophotometer w as employed to evaluate the degradat on character st cs of the UV- VIS absorpt on spectra of dye at var ous pH of nfluent . The results nd cated that the absorpt on peaks became stronger under the w eakly ac d c or neutral cond t on, whereas appeared w eaker under the ac d c or alkalescent cond t on . Furthermore, the eff c ency of dye decolorat on w as nfluenced by the peaks ntens ty weakened extent of ultrav olet spectra. Color removal eff c ency could benef t from alkal ne cond t on n nfluent for anaerob c zone, and ac d c cond t on n nfluent for aerob c zone. Key


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