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50个英文面试问题及答案汇编   很多人想知道英语面试时会遇到什么问题?下面是zcbkw整理的50个英文面试问题及答案,欢迎大家参考阅读!   1、”What Do People Most Often Criticize About You?   There’s no on-going criticism. I’m open to personal and professional growth and welcome the opportunity to improve.   I have a teenage daughter – few things I do are okay on her radar screen.   2、Why do you want this job?   -This is not only a fine opportunity, but this company is a place where my qualifications can make a difference. As a finance executive well versed in the new stock options law, I see this position as made to order. It contains the challenge to keep me on my toes. That’s the kind of job I like to anticipate every morning.   -I want this job because it seems tailored to my competencies, which include sales and marketing. As I said earlier, in a previous position I created an annual growth rate of 22 percent in a flat industry. Additionally, the team I would work with looks terrific.   -I well understand that this is a company on the way up. Your Web site says the launch of several new products is imminent. I want be a part of this business as it grows.   -Having worked through a college business major building decks and porches for neighbors, this entry-level job for the area’s most respected home builder has my name on it.   -As a dedicated technician, I like doing essential research. Being part of a breakthrough team is an experience I’d love to repeat.   -This job is a good fit for what I’ve been interested in throughout my career. It offers a nice mix of short- and long-term activities. My short-term achievements keep me cranked up and the long-term accomplishments make me feel like a billion bucks.   -I want this job selling theater tickets because I’d be good at it. I’m good at speaking to people and handling cash. I would like a job with regular hours and I’m always on time.   -Although some companies are replacing Americans with imported low-wage workers, you are standing tall. This company’s successful strategies, g


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