
中国汉语成语翻译策略Study on Translation Strategies of Chinese Idioms【英语论文】.doc

中国汉语成语翻译策略Study on Translation Strategies of Chinese Idioms【英语论文】.doc

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PAGE 2 中国汉语成语翻译策略 Study on Translation Strategies of Chinese Idioms A paper submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements of the degree of Bachelor of Arts The Institute of Online Education Beijing Foreign Studies 摘要 随着中西方文化的日益交流,汉语文化的传播也日益重要。汉语成语作为汉语言文化表达的重要组成部分,在汉语言文化传播中占有举足轻重的地位。由于汉语具有典型的语言表达特点,同时,汉语中又包含大量的中国文化特点和背景知识,因此,在汉语成语翻译过程中,不仅要注意语意间的转换,同时,更应注意,汉英两种文化间的差异,从而使汉语成语翻译工作得到进一步发展。 文章首先简述了成语翻译的基本理论,并介绍了相关成语的翻译策略,之后,作者从词典中随机抽取了30个汉语成语作为研究语料,进而对它们进行更细致的分析和研究。最后,就成语翻译应采用的翻译技巧提出建议。 希望本文的研究成果能够对汉语成语翻译实践有所裨益,作者希望看到人们给予成语翻译更多的关注,为其发展作出更多的努力。 关键词:成语翻译 翻译策略 Abstract Accompanying with the development of cross-culture in recent days , the Chinese culture is much more important than before. Due to Chinese idioms have typical features in language expressing, at the same time , Chinese idioms carry a lot of Chinese cultures. As a result , not only do we have to focus on the transference of meaning, but also have to pay more attention on the culture differences between Chinese and English. The paper begins with a review of basic theories about translation , and introduces some translation strategies . and then the author selected 30 Chinese idioms from dictionary , and will give those datas concrete analysis. At last , the author will propose some suggestions about translation skill. It is hoped that research can be useful for future Chinese idioms translation practice, The author looks forward to seeing more attention paid and effort devoted to the development of Chinese idioms translation. Key words: Chinese Idioms Translation Translation Strategies Table of contents Page 1.????Introduction??? 1 1.1 Research Background…………………………………………………….. 1 1.2 Research Objective……………………………………………………….. 2 1.3Paper Organization………………………………………………………… 3 2.??? Rationale 3 2.1 Definition About Translation………………………………………………. 4 2.2 Criteria For Translation…………………………………………………… 5 2.3 Strategies About Chinese Idioms… 6 3. Data Description 7 4. Data Analysis 7


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