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Legal Justifications For Keeping Others Out Of Your Scene Only authorized persons should enter scene合法授权的侦查员 Justifications for denying access: PC 30.05 Criminal Trespass PC 37.09 Tampering with evidence CCP 49.22 Sealing premises of deceased What is a Crime Scene Search? 现场的搜查 It is a planned and coordinated “legal” search of the crime scene to locate physical evidence, suspects, or witnesses to the crime. 为追寻物证、犯罪嫌疑人或证人,对犯罪现场进行合法搜查,这是一项有计划的、需要精诚合作的刑事司法活动。 Crime Scene Search Legal considerations 法律因素 Justifications for conducting a warrant less search at a crime scene搜查令 Existence of exigent circumstances特殊情形存在 A need to prevent immediate loss or destruction 防止损失或毁坏的扩大 Search of property within immediate control 立即控制搜寻财物 A search made by consent of involved parties 经相对人同意而进行的搜索 What are your Crime Scene Search Objectives? 现场搜查的目标 Determine if a crime has been committed所犯何罪 Determine where the crime was committed (primary and secondary scenes)何处犯罪 Determine who committed the crime何人犯罪 Determine how the crime was committed (MO)如何犯罪 Determine why the crime was committed为何犯罪 Determine when the crime was committed何时犯罪 Procedure for a Crime Scene Search 现场搜查的程序 Consider type of crime, locale, and size of area犯罪类型、划定范围 Assign one person to be in charge of search确定负责人 Make search personnel aware of specifics (what are you looking for)目标确定 Make assignments in writing if necessary (some police are a little on the slow side)记录人员 Determine search method方法路径 Consider personnel and equipment needed人员设备 Critical-ensure safety of personnel conducting search确保搜查人员的安全 Approach Scene 现场搜查的方法 Look for discarded evidence寻找散落的证据 Make pertinent notes记录指纹 Realize need to treat site as a scene认识到定位现场的必要 Safety and rescue take priority控制犯罪现场 When re-entering scene, use same path 重新进入现场时,使用同一路线 Initiate Preliminary Survey 初步查验 A walk through by officer in charge检控官的步行察看 Preliminary Photos are taken 概貌照相 Organize search priorities and procedures 组织搜查 Determine personnel and equipment make as


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