剑桥国际英语教程(入门级)Unit 11.ppt

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剑桥国际英语教程(入门级)Unit 11

Unit 11 What are you going to do? 1. MONTHS AND DATES Today is We call these dates ordinal numbers. Report …..’s birthday….. 2.CONVERSATION Happy birthday ! Angie is asking Philip about his weekend plans. Philip is going to celebrate his birthday with his friend Kayla. Vocabulary: celebrate: have fun at a special occasion Fabulous!: That’s great! take… out : take someone to dinner or a movie ,like a date order: ask for ,like food in a restaurant embarrassing: making you feel shy or uncomfortable do anything exciting exactly probably 3 GRAMMAR FOCUS We use be going to talk about future plans(未来计划). I’’m going to study tonight.=I’m planning to study tonight . Subject+ be going to +verb. Be + subject +going to +verb ? Yes , +subject + be . No , + subject +be + not. Find the answers in the conversation on page 72. 1.___ going to celebrate his birthday this weekend. 2._____ going to take him out for dinner . 3._____ going to order to a cake. 4._____ going to sing “Happy birthday”. 1.Philip is 2.Kayla is 3.Kayla is 4.Kayla and the waiters are A What is /are he/she/they doing this weekend? 1.They’re going to go dancing . 2.She’s going to read . 3. He’s going to go swimming . 4.She’s going to go for a walk . 5.They’re going to go to a restaurant . 6.He’s going to watch television . 7.They’re going to see a movie . 8.He’s going to work . 6LISTENING the video-game arcade [ ɑ:r?ke?d ]:电子游戏中心 play video games:玩电子游戏 right here:在这儿 Answer:-What is… really going to do? Michelle is going to meet a fiend . Kevin is going to play video games . Robert is going to work at home . Jane is going to listen to music . 8.CONVERSATION Have a good Valentine’s Day 1.When is Valentine’s Day ? It’s on February 14th. 2.How do people celebrate it ? To celebrate , people exchange cards with people they love or really like .Some people give their husband ,wife, boyfriend ,or girlfriend a present , such as chocolate or flowers. Sometimes they go out for dinner. Mona and


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