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How do they taste? They taste very hot. 人生五味 人生有百味,五味最常在,酸甜苦辣咸是舌尖上最直接的体验。 为什么觉的生活像五味? 因为它们和酸甜苦辣咸一样,我们都得品偿透彻、感悟清楚。 酸:酸像美丽的人生初恋,还未真正懂 得,就已经觉得甜或苦了。 甜:甜是一种美妙的味道,是一种简单的幸福。 苦:苦是人生中最忧愁的部份,也最能考验人的意志。 辣:就是这样神奇,让你不知不觉上了瘾,先是一种刺激,再来一种满足,最后就是依赖了。 咸:吃咸是种讲究,多则不行,少则也不可,咸淡平衡才是菜品的最高境界。 New words crispy /krispi/ adj. 脆的;酥脆的 sour /sau?(r)/ adj. 酸的;有酸味的 by mistake 错误地;无意中 customer /k?st?m? (r)/ n. 顾客;客户 根据句意及首字母提示完成单词。 1. I don’t like lemons because they are too s . 2. Lucy and Lily are twins. People often m them for each other. 3. For a restaurant, c are the most important. 4. The fish was too s because my mom put too much salt on it. 5. We often put the food into the f to keep it fresh in summer. 1a. Fill in the blanks with the words given. 1b. Write the name of a different food after each word. sweet: crispy: salty: sour: 1c. Listen and circle “T” or “F”. 1. Potato chips were invented by mistake. 2. They were invented in 1863. 3. The customer thought the potatoes weren’t thin enough. 4. The customer said they weren’t salty enough. 5. George wanted to make the customer happy. 6. The customer was happy in the end. The history of potato chips Did you know that potato chips were invented by mistake? Potato chips _____________ by a cook called George Crum. They were invented in _______. George Crum cut the potato chips really, really thin and cooked them for a long time until they __________. And he put lots of salt on them so they were _____________. 再听录音一次,填空完成对话。 Boy 1: Hey, did you know that potato chips were mistake? Boy 2: Really? What do you mean? Boy 1: Well, here on the bag it says that they were invented by a cook George Crum. Boy 2: When was that? Boy 1: Oh, it was back in 1853. Boy 2: So, why was it an ? Boy 1: Well, one day, a customer came into the restaurant where George worked. He a plate of fried potatoes. Whe


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