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Test on Unit 11 Promise Promise 一.Complete the following sentences according to it Chinese meaing. 1.__________________________________(几乎所有的节日共同之处) is that families and friends give their best wishes to each other and have a big meal in China. 2.For their love ,the boy _________________________________(放弃了出国深造)。 3.It is easy to ____________________________(下定新年决议)But it is difficult to keep them. 4.You can’t eat unhealthy food any more and go out to __________________________________(开始锻炼身体)。 5.The subway ________________________________(花费了两个半小时) to reach zhengzhou. 6.I’ll_________________________(考虑成为一名律师)________________________(而不是一名教师). 7.________________________________(超过四分之三的人口)are Chinese in Singapore. 8.Listen, the sound is very loundly ,They __________________________(一定正在听CD). 9.When you see an old man in trouble ,You __________________________________(应该伸出援助之手). 10.Who is the most famous writer ___________________________(有史以来)in China? Oh.I don’t know. Maybe luxun. 11.Do you know some people say that the reggae beat _______________________(与相似) the rhythm of the human heart beat. 12.My father _____________________________________(直到凌晨三点才回家).He was too busy and _________________________(没有时间陪我们). 13.We all believe _________________________(平等的权利) are important. 14.__________________________________(在音乐排行榜上),there are many jacki zhou’s songs. 15.Madona is still _______________________________________(制作成功而风行一时的唱片)after all this time . 二.Complete the sentences with the proper forms of the words given. 1.Machal Jackson finally ___________(appear) on stage ,but his ___________________(appear )upset all his fans. 2.They ________(graduate) from high school last year ,but after __________(graduate),He didn’t find a job. 3.You must be careful ______________(cross) the street. 4.CoCoLee uses Latin music and other _____________(west) styles to attract fans from different countries . 5.When the clock ___________(strike ) three ,I found something wrong with i


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