生活大爆 炸-第一季-剧本台词-中英文对照1.04.docVIP

生活大爆 炸-第一季-剧本台词-中英文对照1.04.doc

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生活大爆 炸-第一季-剧本台词-中英文对照1.04

第一季四集: The Luminous Fish Effect -Sheldon: you know, Ive been thinking about time travel again. 我最近一直在想着时光旅行。 -Leonard:Why, did you hit a roadblock with invisibility 为什么,你又撞上看不见的路障了 -Sheldon: Put it on the back burner. 暂时先不说那个。 Anyway, it occurs to me if I ever did perfect a time machine, 我想到如果我发明了完美的时间机器, I would just go into the past and give it to myself, 我会回到过去把它送给自己, thus eliminating the need for me to invent it in the first place. 省得要自己发明它。 -Leonard:Interesting. 有趣。 -Sheldon: Yeah, it really takes the pressure off. 是啊,让我减压不少。 -Leonard:Sounds like a breakthrough. 听起来像是个大突破。 Should I call science magazine and tell them to hold the cover 要我打电话给科学杂志让他们留下头版的位置吗 -Sheldon: Its time travel, Leonard; I will have already done that. 这可是时间旅行,Leonard 过去的我已经做过了。 -Leonard:Then I guess congratulations are in order. 那就等着祝贺你啦。 -Sheldon: No, congratulations will have been in order. 不,过去的你已经祝贺过我了。 You know, I am not going to enjoy this party. 我肯定在派对上不会开心的。 -Leonard:I know, Im familiar with you. 我知道,我了解你。 -Sheldon: The last department party, professor Finkleday cornered me and talked about spelunking for 45 minutes. 上次系里的派对Finkleday教授抓着我谈了45分钟的窑洞挖掘。 -Leonard:Yes, I was there. 我也在场。 -Sheldon: You know whats interesting about caves, Leonard 你知道窑洞有什么好玩的吗,Leonard -Leonard:What 什么 -Sheldon: Nothing. 什么也没有。 -Leonard:Well, then well avoid Finkleday, well meet the new department head, 那我们躲开他,我们会见到新的系主任。 congratulate him, shake his hand and go. 恭喜他,跟他握手,然后就走。 -Sheldon: Hows this 这样如何 Pleased to meet you, Dr. Gablehauser. 见到你很高兴,Gablehauser博士。 How fortunate for you that the universitys chosen to hire you, 您真幸运,学校雇用了您, despite the fact that youve done no original research in 25 years, 尽管您25年来都没做出什么原创研究, and instead have written a series of popular books 而是写了一系列畅销书, that reduce the great concepts of science to a series of anecdotes, 将科学这一伟大的概念降格为奇闻轶事, each one dumb down to accommodate the duration of an average bowel movement. 每则故事都简单到能在一次肠部运动的时间内看完 (就是厕所读物) Mahalo. Mahalo (夏威夷语的谢谢)。 -Leonard


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