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基于Pro_E的减速器参数化设计、装配 及其运动仿真 摘 要 在迅猛发展的当今社会,随着经济发展模式的循环化,市场竞争白炽化,产品高速率的更新换代,使得人们对高技术含量和高质量设计制造的产品也有越来越多的期待,所以企业只有低成本高效率地研发新产品,才能在激烈的市场竞争中立于不败之地。目前各行各业的生产中广泛应用的传动装置——减速器的设计逐渐暴露出很多弊端,如设计花费的时间太多,耗资较大,重复性的操作较多等。这些都限制了减速器的结构和性能的发展,不能满足企业生产的新需求。本文主要就是针对出现的以上问题,通过对常用的圆柱齿轮减速器的结构进行全面的阐释,利用现代化的手段如特征建模、参数化技术等,来进行减速器的三维参数化设计研究。作为各种 CAD 软件核心技术的参数化技术,已经广泛地应用于当今社会各行各业产品的设计中,获得的社会效益也是显而易见的。 在该论文中,主要的研究内容包括以下几个方面: 1、对减速器的结构特点及其各组成零部件的功能要求进行了详细分析,得出了减速器及其各零件的主要参数、一般参数以及参数之间的相互联系。 2、通过 Pro/E 软件建立了斜齿圆柱轮、直齿圆柱齿轮、齿轮轴、轴承、套筒、上箱体、下箱体等特征的参数化实体模型,设计者只需提供有关的参数,Pro/E 就能自动建立新的实体模型。 关键词:圆柱齿轮,减速器,Pro/E,特征建模 ABSTRACT In the development of the current society, with the development of economic mode of circulation, the market competition of the incandescent, product the high rate of renewal and to make the people with high technology content and high quality design and manufacture products also have more and more looking forward to, so the enterprise only low cost high efficiency of research and development of new products, to the fierce market competition. At present people from all walks of life widely applied in production of transmission device--the design of the speed reducer gradually revealed some shortcomings, such as design cost so much of their time, cost is larger, repeatability of operation more, etc. These limits the speed reducer structure and performance of development, can not meet the new demands of enterprise production. This paper is mainly for the above problems appear, through to the common cylindrical gear reducer structure of comprehensive explanation, use of modern means such as characteristic modeling, parametric technology, etc, to reducer 3D parametric design research. As different kinds of CAD software core technology of parametric technology, has been widely used in todays society all walks of life in the design of the product, get social benefits is obvious. In this paper, the main research contents in


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