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探讨我国食品溯源的应用现状及优化建议 摘 要 食品溯源是指在是指在食品供应链的各个环节中,食品质量安全及其相关信息能够被顺向或者逆向回溯,从而使食品的整个生产经营活动始终处于有效监控之中,理清职责,有效处置不符合安全标准的食品,保证食品质量安全。但我国现有的食品溯源系统缺少有效的管理和规划,缺乏统一的标准和流程,难以真正实现有效全面的食品安全追溯。本文通过阐述食品溯源在国内外的发展状况,针对食品供应链中影响食品溯源实施的不利因素,对应提出优化食品供应链中食品溯源应用的对策建议,促进食品溯源在国内的发展。 关键词 食品溯源;食品供应链; ABSTRACT In the contemporary society, there exist frequent safety incidents testing us from time to time, which poses a threat to people’s health condition and life safety. It’s impending for us to find out the way to track and trace foodstuff effectively. In recent years, a large amount of food traceability systems emerge at the right moment and play an important role in there own field because of the strengthened call of food traceability. However, the traceability system of food is built up absent from united management and plan as well as code and identification, which fails to exchange data in the systems. As a consequence, it is tough to share social resoures and realize food traceability that is high-efficiency and low-cost. This article aims at the development situation and existing problems in home and abroad,which figures out the factors that have influence on logistic supply chain. In the meanwhile it helps us to find out the disadvantages of food traceability in logistic supply chain. What’s more,we can come up with some solutions that will optimize food traceability in logistic supply chain so as to enhance its development,standarize the market mechanism and ensure people’s health condition and life safety.The tracing of food means that the related information of various segments of food supply chains can be forward or reverse backtracking, so that the food is always under effective monitoring during the entire production and consumption process. The tracing of food help regulators and authorities to ensure the quality of the food, dispose unqualified food effectively and clear the responsibility when food safety issues happen. However, Chinas current tracing system of food is lack



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