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* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Removing, Hard Case How to Remove( ) ? So Remove( ) in Partial_Map_Kernel_6 will be nontrivial to implement… But we can break down the idea into steps. You’ll need to consider the cache… Should you consider the size of the map, to know whether the cache is in the correspondence? Why or why not? You’ll need to search for the item… This must be done recursively And when you find it, you need to fix the tree The local operations Remove_Pair_From_Tree and Remove_Smallest_PFT are your friends! Think carefully about how to build them You might need one of them to build the other one… Remember: Writing Recursion The secret to writing recursive code is to only think about one level You can always assume the ensures clause works for smaller pieces of the same problem You’re only responsible for ensuring that if it works for n-1 items, it must work for n items You must handle the base case Proof is by induction on the size of problem More Practice Can’t ever get enough of tree recursion! ? global_procedure Remove_Lowest( alters Binary_Tree_Of_Item t, produces Item x); /*! requires |t| 0 ensures for all i: Item [path from root to i = path from root to x] and CONTENTS(#t) = CONTENTS(t) + x !*/ Remove_Lowest procedure_body Remove_Lowest (alters Binary_Tree_Of_Item t, produces Item x) { { object Item root; object Binary_Tree_Of_Item l, r; t.Decompose(root, l, r); if (l.Height() == 0 r.Height() == 0) { x = root; } else if l.Height() r.Height()) { Remove_Lowest(l, x); t.Compose(root, l, r); } else { Remove_Lowest(r, x); t.Compose(root, l, r); } } * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Examples of BST (of Integer)? Bad BST! No biccie. Bad BST! No biccie. Operations on BST Locating an item You should be able t


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