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必修1 Unit 3 我一直梦想能去北京看奥运.(dream about) 老师说服我努力学好英语.(persuade sb to do sth) 我在一个小山村长大.(grow up) 这位老师在听取学生意见方面很固执.(be stubborned in doing sth) 我决定努力学习(be determined to do sth) 当我们面对敌人时,不要屈服; 面对困难时,我们不能放弃(give in ….give up) 站在高山上,呼吸会非常困难(be hard to do sth) 我宁愿骑自行车去上学也不坐公交车.(prefer to do sth rather than do sth) 我的房子在地震中遭到严重受损.( be in ruins) 必修1 unit3 你有没有梦想过到国外学习?(dream about/of) 没人能说服他改变主意.(persuade sb to do sth) 因为糟糕天气,比赛不得不推迟.(because of …put off) 在做礼拜时我们把帽子摘除掉合适吗?(be adj to do sth… take off) 他一旦下定决心就永不放弃.(make up one’s mind, give up) 许多人把想法写入日记,而其他人把他们的旅行写在称作日志的本子里(set down….. Write down…in what is called….) I have dreamed about going Beijing to watch the Olympic Games. My teacher persuaded me to study English harder. I grew up in a country side. The teacher is stubborned in listening to students’ advice. I am determined to study harder. When we face the enemy, we shouldn’t give in; when we face the difficulty, we shouldn’t give up When we stand on top of the moutain, the air would be hard to breathe. I prefer to go to school by on bike rather than go there by bus. My house was greatly in ruins when the earthquake happened. Have you dreamed about studying abroad. No one can persuade him to change his mind. The match has to be put off because of the bad weather. Is it proper for us to take off our hats in church? He will never give up once he makes up his mind. A number of people set down their thoughts in the dairy, while others wrote down in what is called travel journal. Bear them in your mind! make up one’s mind 下定决心 read one’s mind 看出某人的心思 speak one’s mind 直言不讳 give/ put one’s mind 专心于 keep…in mind 记住 9. When I told her that our journey would begin at an altitude of more than 5000 meters, she seemed to be excited about it. 当我告诉她我们将在海拔5000米处开始旅程, 她好像对此很兴奋。 at an altitude of = at a height of 在海拔……米处 e.g. The plane is flying at a height / altitude of 10,000 feet. 注意 at 在此处表 “在……处/时, 以……”后接年龄, 速度, 长宽深高, 价格, 费用等 at


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