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一切为了孩子一位父亲 PAGE 第 PAGE 1 \* MERGEFORMAT 1页 / 共 NUMPAGES 1 \* MERGEFORMAT 14页 徐州市2013~2014学年度高三第三次质量检测 英语试题 答案 三、完型填空: 36-40 ABDCB 41-45 ABDCC 46-50 BABDC 51-55 CABDD 四、阅读理解: 56-59 DBDA 60-62 BAC 63-66 BADA 67-70ADBC 五、任务型阅读: 71. Theme/Subject/Topic/Title 72. proved 73. considerate/thoughtful 74. create 75. enjoyable/joyful 76. enrich 77. Problems/Difficulties/Worries 78. training 79. adapt/adjust 80. way 六、书面表达参考答案 It is known that honesty plays an important role in our life, which can contribute to our success and earn us respect from others. Therefore, honesty is of vital importance and bring people benefits. Dishonesty may bring people short-term benefits. But actually, it will cost them friendship, love, social status or even life. Dishonesty destroys the harmonious relationship between people. What’s worse, it even becomes a barrier of the moral development in society. 听力原文: Text 1: W: Did you go to the theater last night? M: Yes, I did. W: What did you think of the play? M: It was excellent. Text 2: M: Will it take long to get to the Overseas Chinese Hotel? W: About 30 minutes. What time is it by your watch now? M: Well, it’s a quarter past eleven. Text 3: M: What’s the result of the exam? I’m sure John has got the highest mark, because he has been studying hard this term. W: As a matter of fact he didn’t pass the exam this time. M: Really? I didn’t expect that. W: I didn’t either. Text 4: M: Can I help you, madam? W: Yes, I want to report a theft that happened to my house during our absence. M: I see. What is missing? Text 5: W: How about going for a bike ride? M: Sure. Where? W: Let’s call Harry and ask him. He always knows the best places to go. M: That’s a good idea. I’ll get ready. Text 6: M: Good morning, ma’am. Can I help you? W: Oh, I’ve lost my Harold; I think he’s left me. M: Oh, it’s a missing person case. Ok, let me just fill in this form, ma’am. The name is Harold, right? What’s his last name? W: Well, the same as mine, Harol


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