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1. brain 2. lungs 3. heart 4. liver 5. stomach windpipe throat intestine bladder 6. kidneys Ex 2 1. This organ weighs about a kilo and is made of two sides. It is like a super computer that processes information. be made of 用…造成(原材料显而易见) process vt.加工,处理 brain 2. This organ beats at regular intervals 100,000 times a day. With each beat, it circulates 80 ml blood through the body – that’s 8,000 litres of blood per day! It pumps blood into the lungs, where it receives oxygen, before being pumped around the rest of the body. at regular intervals 每隔一定间隔 circulate ... through 使...在... 中循环 heart interval n. (时间的/空间的)间隔; 间歇 after a years interval 隔一年后 an interval of ten feet 相隔十英尺 trains leaving at short intervals 每隔很短时间就开出的火车 It snowed at intervals this week. 这星期不时下雪。 He visits me at regular intervals. 他总是间隔一定时间访问我一次。 at intervals 不时, 时时; 每隔一段时间[距离] at intervals of … 相隔, 每隔 at long intervals 偶而, 间或 at regular intervals 每隔一定时间; 每隔一定距离 circulate vt.使(血液等)循环; 使环行; 散布, 传播;使(货币等)流通, 使周转 a circulated cheque 流通支票 People who circulate false news are to be blamed. 散布流言者该受遣责。 vi.循环, 运行;流传; 传播;流通, 周转;[美]巡回; 周旋 Blood circulates through the body. 血液在全身循环。 The rumour circulated rapidly. 谣言很快传开了。 circulate from group to group at the party 在宴会上周旋于各人群之间 circulate about 在...附近流传 circulate among 在...中流传 circulate around 围[环]绕...旋转 circulate ... through 使...在... 中循环 pump n. a bicycle pump 打气筒 Here is an old-fashioned pump for drawing water from a well. 这里有一个旧式水泵可从井里抽水。 V. pump air into a tyre 往轮胎里打气 (用泵等抽出或压入气体、液体等) The heart pumps blood round the body. 心脏将血液压送到全身。(用泵等抽出或压入气体、液体等) Her heart was pumping very fast. 她的心脏跳得很快. (pump=beat 心脏等跳动) pump sb. for information (=pump information out of sb.) 从某人那里探出消息(追问某人以探知…) 3. These organs absorb oxygen and get rid of carbon dioxide. They are found on either side of the heart. They receive air as a result of breathing and when blood pas


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