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WORD文档下载可编辑 PAGE 专业技术资料分享 WORD文档下载可编辑 专业技术资料分享 摘 要 本系统介绍了由单片机控制的智能供热监控系统。采用ATM89C51系列单片机作为CPU,设置AD590温度传感器、压差传感器、涡轮流量计等传感器元件对供回水、补水、供热蒸汽的温度、压力检测;对回水、补水的流量检测,通过测量电路、A/D转换后把数据传送到CPU,CUP根据已经设置好的温度范围进行比较判断,并发回命令调整供回水的压力以及流量,最终达到自动控制温度的目的,这对于保证供热品质和节省能源都有着非常重要的意义。此外,本系统还安装了键盘,显示以及打印机,方便了数据的读取、切换和统计,使管理层对供热过程和供热品质有最直观的了解。 本设计应用前景广阔,可应用于城市或者小区的集中供热方便快捷,节约能源而且安全可靠。 关键词:智能控制 集中供热 监控 信号采集 Abstract This paper present the general design and control conception of an intelligent heating control system in detail. ATM89c51 as the central intelligent unit in this system, which controls the temperature of each water-piping way’s in-or-out and surrounding the pressure of the out filter nets, the volume of offer-heat cycle water and so on. The temperature is changed by the pressure and volume’s change ,so using this system first can make sure consumer’s temperature is not enough, another hand it also can resources. The system also has the keyboard, display unit and typewriter, which can give an obvious understanding to workers. This system would develop and apply expansive, we can apply it to the central heating of a community. It has the merits of secure, tidy and convenient. This control system is a successful example, which combine theory automation with practice. Keywords:Intelligent Control, Central Heating, Monitor System, Collect Signal 目 录 TOC \o 1-3 \h \z \u HYPERLINK \l _Toc342767189 第一章 绪 论 PAGEREF _Toc342767189 \h - 1 - HYPERLINK \l _Toc342767190 1.1 我国集中供热的现状 PAGEREF _Toc342767190 \h - 2 - HYPERLINK \l _Toc342767191 1.1.1热源 PAGEREF _Toc342767191 \h - 2 - HYPERLINK \l _Toc342767192 1.1.2 热用户 PAGEREF _Toc342767192 \h - 3 - HYPERLINK \l _Toc342767193 1.1.3 热网 PAGEREF _Toc342767193 \h - 3 - HYPERLINK \l _Toc342767194 1.2 我国集中供热系统的发展趋势 PAGEREF _Toc342767194 \h - 4 - HYPERLINK \l _Toc342767195 第二章 方案论证 PAGEREF _Toc342767195 \h - 7 - HYPERLINK \l _Toc342767196 2.1 CPU的选择


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