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专四全真试卷 PAGE PAGE 19 2008年专业四级考试真题答案详解级标题下面用专四预测中Key to Model Test One下面同样的版式. 2008年专业四级考试真题答案详解 PART I DICTATION Choosing a Career When students graduate from college, /many of them do not know how they want to [1]spend their working lives, /and they sometimes move from job to job / until they find something that suits them / and [2]of equal importance to which they are suited. / Others never find a job [3]in which they are really happy. / They remain all their lives [4]square pegs in round holes. / When we choose our careers, we need to ask ourselves [5]two questions. / [5]First, what do we think we would like to be? / [5]Second, what kind of people are we? / The idea [6],for example, of being a painter or a musician may seem very attractive, / [7]but unless we have great talent and are willing to work very hard, / we are certain to fail in these occupations / and failure will [8]lead to unhappiness in life. / [9]So it is important to assess our suitability for a certain career in job search. 【听写提示】 第一遍听音时掌握主题,记录关键词job,career等,这样易于把握与主题相关的graduate,working lives,suits等词。 [1]spend their之间不完全爆破。 [2]注意不要漏掉of。 [3]别漏掉此处的介词in,检查时可根据语法知识补上。 [4]对于不熟悉的短语或词组,首先应尽量写下每个单词。如果确实听不清楚所读的单词,就应该根据全文的中心思想做适当的猜测。如square pegs in round holes可引申为“工作不适合自己”。 [5]在听的过程中对所说的数字要敏感,有助于搞清楚句子结构。如文中提到two questions,下文肯定与这两个问题有关,以First,Second开头分别进行说明。 [6]for example用于句中,前后都需用逗号。 [7]听音时应注意文中的转折词,如but等,表示话题转换或前后形成转折关系。 [8]lead to之间爆破。 [9]听音时应注意首句和末句,一般是主题句或是作总结概括的句子。 PART II LISTENING COMPREHENSION SECTION A CONVERSATIONS Conversation 1 【听前预测】浏览各个题干可知,对话中的两个人Anne和Eric可能在谈论开会的时间、地点及相关事宜。 【听力原文】 M: Is that Anne Shaw? W: Yes. Speaking. M: Hello, it’s Eric from London. W: Hello, Eric, how can I help you? M: I’m fixing up our next project team meeting and I just wanted to check some possible dates with you. W: Fine, let me just get my diary. Ok, which dates are you looking at? M: [1]I’ve spoken to the others and they prefer either the third


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