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什么情况 你三连胜了 What is that, three in a row? 实际上已经四连胜了 That would be four, actually. 不是吧 Oh, God. 要不九局五胜 你看怎样 Come on. What do you say, we go five outta nine? 那样你就能继续虐我了是吧 So you can keep abusing me? 不用了 谢谢 我不玩了 No, thank you. Im done. 来嘛 我让你三局 Oh, come on. Ill spot you three. 游戏时间结束了 怀亚特 他们来了 Game times over, Wyatt. Theyre here. 他们到了吗 Theyre here? 你可以去会议室准备了 You can set up in the conference room. 我只是... Yeah. No, Im just... 快去会议室准备 Get set up in the conference room. -你故意让他的吧 -这还真不容易 -You did let him win, right? -It wasnt easy. 这家伙的协调能力跟两岁小孩似的 The guy has the coordination of a two-year-old. 我知道 上次风险投资人来的时候 I know, the last time these venture capitalists came in, 为了让他冷静 我还带他去打拳击 I took him boxing to calm him down. 我基本上得打自己的脸 才能让他赢 I basically had to punch myself in the face to let him win. 我不懂 如果他真是个天才 I dont get it. I mean, if hes such a genius, 为什么在投资人面前那么紧张 why does he get so nervous around a bunch of investors? 要是你花了整整两年 Eh, you spend two years working on 研发袖珍卫星电话 a satellite phone that fits in your pocket 还把整个公司都赌上了 and then bet the company on it. 我看你也会紧张的 Youd be a little nervous too, I think. 那个样机... The prototype... 我找不到了 我不知道放在哪... I cant find it. I dont know where I-- 是这个吗 You mean this? 没有你我真不知道怎么办 I dont know what Id do without you. -惨败 -那是必然 - Fail miserably. - I would. -这是... -没错 两千万的样机 - Is that the... - $20 million prototype, yes. 今天交易谈成之前 And you dont even get to look at this bad boy 你看都别想看 until after we close the deal today. 哇 他们像纳粹党的冲锋队似的 Wow, theyre like storm troopers. 冲锋队可不会开支票 Storm troopers dont write checks. 现在你只需要走进去 Now all you gotta do is walk in there, 告诉他们电话怎么用 show them how the phone works... 然后尚德电子公司 Right, and Suntech Digital 就会成为全球通讯的新生力量 will be a new force in global communications. 一举秒杀他们吧 Lets knock em dead. 好 All right. 停住 你这是要去哪里 Wait, wait. Where do you think youre going? 进房间 和大家见面 Into the room with the people. 不行 那是专业人士的谈判场所 Wrong, thats the adult table in there. 你还不够级别 And you havent earned the privileg


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