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PAGE PAGE 1 选修6 Unit 3 A healthy life cigarette n.香烟,纸烟 cigaret n.[ US] cigar n.雪茄烟 2.alcohol n. 酒,酒精 3. alcoholic adj. 含酒精的 alcoholic drinks 含酒精的饮料 4. abuse n./vt. 滥用 ,虐待 n. 对… 的滥用,虐待 drug abuse child abuse vt. 滥用 abuse one’s authority 虐待 a much abused wife 5. fitness n. 健康[U] In many sports fitness is not as important as techinique. fit adj. 健康的 (尤指因经常锻炼) fit for sth / fit to do sth. See / think fit to do sth. 认为做某事是正当的,适宜的,得体的 Do as you think fit . 6. sexual adj. 性的,性别的 sex n. 性别 7.stress n. 压力 ,重音 be under / suffer from stress 在压力下,受到压力 streee on sth. 强调…..重要性 I feel that there isn’t enough stress on English at the school. Vt. 强调,着重… He stressed the point that……. 8. stressful adj. 产生压力的,有压力的 She finds her new teaching job very stressful. 9. obesity n. (过度)肥胖,肥胖症 10. adolescent n. 青少年(13—17岁) teenage,teenage adj. 青春期的 adolescence n.[U] during one’s adolescence. 11. ban v.禁止,取缔 (banned ) ban sb.from sth. / from doing sth. 明令禁止某人做某事 Our school banned students from smoking. n. 禁令,谴责 [C] ban on sth./ sb. Put a ban on the import of alcohol. 12. due adj. 欠款的,预定的,到期的, 应支付的,应给予的,欠下的 due to sb. Have they been paid the money due to them? Due for sth. 应有,应得到 She is due for promotion soon. 预定,预约,预期 due to do sth. His book is due to be published in October. 适当的,正当的,适宜的 After due consideration, I decided not to go there. 习语 due to sth./sb. 由于….. ( owing to , becaue of ) The team’s success was largely due to her efforts. He was late due to / owing to / beacause of the very heavy traffic. Accidents due to driving at high speed were very common that weekend. due n. 某人理应得到的东西[S] ,应交的费用 [pl] 如俱乐部费用 习语 give sb. his due 公平对待某人 She is a slow worker but, to give her her due, she does try very hard. 13. tough adj. 困难的,强硬的,坚韧的 tough glass is need for windscreens.(挡风玻璃) a tough criminal 凶暴的罪犯 take tough measures to dea with terrorism. a tough game, assignment, problem, journey, be / get tough with sb. 采取坚决的态度


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