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小编给你一个美联英语官方免费试听课申请链接: HYPERLINK /test/waijiao.aspx?tid=16-73675-0 /test/waijiao.aspx?tid=16-73675-0 HYPERLINK 美联英语提供:影视英语 活宝罗根与弗兰科谈《刺杀金正恩》 In a previous film, Seth Rogen and James Franco experienced a comic vision of the end of the world, but their new movie, “The Interview,” has had serious fallout, including a devastating corporate hack and threats against theaters showing the film. 塞斯·罗根(Seth Rogen)和詹姆斯·弗兰科(James Franco,也译作付兰兰)在他们的上一部影片里体验了一回喜剧版的世界末日,但他俩的新片《采访》(The Interview,也译作《刺杀金正恩》)带来了严重后果,包括公司遭到灾难性的黑客入侵,放映该片的影院也受到威胁。 Directed by Mr. Rogen and his creative partner, Evan Goldberg, “The Interview” casts Mr. Franco as Dave Skylark, a fatuous celebrity TV journalist who is granted an interview with Kim Jong-un, the North Korean leader. Their impending on-air sit-down strains Skylark’s bond with his loyal producer (Mr. Rogen) and attracts the attention of the C.I.A., which wants him to assassinate Mr. Kim (played by Randall Park). 《采访》由罗根和他的创作搭档埃文·戈德堡(Evan Goldberg)导演,由弗兰科饰演主角戴夫·斯凯拉克(Dave Skylark)——一个糊涂的著名电视记者,得到机会采访北朝鲜领导人金正恩。这场即将到来的现场采访令斯凯拉克与他忠诚的制作人(罗根饰)之间关系变得紧张,还招来了中央情报局的关注,中情局想让他去暗杀金正恩(由兰多尔·朴[Randall Park]饰演)。 In addition to mocking news-gathering and geopolitics, the movie pokes fun at the 15-year friendship of Mr. Rogen and Mr. Franco, which began on the cult NBC series “Freaks and Geeks” and has continued in hit films like “This Is the End.” 除了嘲讽如今的新闻采集和地缘政治,这部电影还拿罗根与弗兰克15年的好基友关系寻开心,两人的友情始于NBC的小众电视剧《怪胎与书呆》(Freaks and Geeks),一直延续到《世界末日》(This Is the End)等热门电影。 The real-life government of North Korea did not appreciate the sentiment of “The Interview,” denouncing it as a “most blatant act of terrorism and war” and threatening to undertake “a merciless countermeasure.” There is suspicion that the movie is a catalyst for the hacking of computers at Sony, an act that North Korea has hailed as “a righteous deed” while denying responsibility. 现实生活中的北朝鲜政府不怎么欣赏《采访》中的情趣,称它是“最露骨的恐怖主义与战争”,威胁对之实施“无情的报复”。有人怀疑这部电影导致了对索尼公司电脑的黑客袭击,北朝鲜称黑客的行动是“正义行为”,但拒绝对此负责。 The hack itself


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