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4. Take medications Antibiotics抗生素 Antiasthmatic平喘药 Expectorants 祛痰剂- loosen mucus. bromhexine溴己新,dornase链道酶,trypsin胰蛋白酶,hypertonic sodium bicarbonate solution高渗碳酸氢钠溶液 Antitussives镇咳药 - codeine可待因,pentoxyverine喷托维林 Respiratory stimulants呼吸兴奋剂-coramine可拉明,doxapram多沙普仑 Sleeping pills- barbiturates巴比妥类 Diuretics利尿剂- usually for patients with right-heart failure; diuretics get rid of body fluid reducing the risk of fluid in the lungs. Digitalis洋地黄 (digoxin地高辛) - improves the heart-beat, but can be a risky drug to take. Pain killers-Meperidine哌替啶,Morphine吗啡, antibiotic 抗生素 antiasthmatic 平喘类药 anti-inflammatory 抗炎药 antiallergic 抗过敏药 anticholinergics 抗胆碱药 anti- aginst -bio biotin生物素 theophyllines 茶碱类药 broad /narrow-spectrum 广谱/窄谱 bacteria culture /drug-sensitivity test细菌培养/药敏实验 Corticosteroids or steroids (glucocorticoid ): inhibit migration and activation of the inflammatory cells, to inhibit cytokine production and the release of inflammatory mediator, to reinforce β2 receptor reactivity of smooth muscle cell. They can be used orally, intravenously, and by aerosol inhalation. The inhaled drugs acts on respiratory tract locally with only a small dosage. After drugs enters the blood circulation, it is quickly inactivated by liver, so, its systemic side effect is negligible. (e.g:beclomethasone倍氯米松budesonide布地奈德 fluticasone氟替卡松.dexamethasone地塞米松 triamcinolone曲安奈德) corticosteroids corticoid 肾上腺皮质类醇 steroids 类固醇 glucocorticoids -gluco glucose cytokine 细胞因子 inflammatory mediator 炎症介质 orally / intravenously / aerosol inhalation口服/静脉注射/雾化吸入 small dosage小剂量 inactivated by liver肝脏灭活 side effect 副作用 Bronchodilators: β-adrenoceptor agonists:relaxation of bronchial smooth muscle,inhibiting permeability of endothelium,relieving airway mucosal edema,prometing mucus secretion and ciliary activites,and increasing clearing function of mucus-ciliary systerm of the airway. (e.g:Is


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