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* * Unit 6 Partnership and Cooperation Talk Face to face Background of the text Read and Complete Read and Translate Read and Simulate 合资企业的申请和审批程序 合资者 签发合作意向书 建设项目注册 审定和批准相关文件 工商登记 获取土地使用权 外汇管 理注册 银行开户 税收登记 海关商品 检验登记 审定和批准可行性报告 企业名称注册 建设规划 开始施工 审批和批准 初步规划报告 Dialogue 1 The Exclusive Agency Agreement develop a new type of cooperation for better relationship between us establish a joint venture company 4. run a company 5. on the basis of mutual benefit 6. feasibility study report Dialogue 2: 1. the New Development Area 新开发区 2. quicken the pace of transforming …into… 3. 5-star hotel 4. enjoy a promising future make specific arrangement make arrangement for… make contact with the local government Sign a Letter of Intend Act out: refer me to sb. Chinese arts and crafts invest 50% capital share the profit equally What line of business are you in? an investment firm Background of the text: Thai Kingdom was established in the mid-14th century; it was known as Siam until 1939. Its total area is 514000 sq km, with population of more thanpeople. Thailand has rich natural resources, including tin, rubber, natural gas,and some rare metals. create significant direct foreign investment 带来大量的国外直接投资 2. Transform from …to… ex.5-1) 从 ……转变成什么形式 3. purely Thai-owned 泰国独资的 partially foreign-owned 外资合营的 state-owned 国有的 private 私有的 Main Sentences and phrases: 4. Many experts entered these joint-venture organizations and if you were one of them, perhaps you would find that you had much to learn about the new environment in which found yourself. It is a relative clause modifying environment. Find oneself in a new environment means be in a new environment. 5. compromise with sb. on sth. e.g. Neither side is prepared to compromise. 6. ingrain v. fix deeply in the mind e.g. be deeply ingrained in the mind 在头脑中根深蒂固 7. Nevertheless, there are, as they say, two sides to every coin. “Nevertheless” means “however, in sp


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