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PAGE PAGE 1 1、暗恋 EMMA: Kate knows clothes. She always knows what to wear. Were so different. Sometimes I wonder how we can be friends. Weve known each other for as long as I can remember. Kate了解服装。 她知道如何穿衣。 我们很不同。 有时候我真不知道我们怎么会成为朋友的。 我们互相了解了很长时间了。 EMMA: Were almost like sisters. Remember that boy who fancied you in high school? 我们几乎情同姐妹。 还记得在高中里喜欢你的那个男孩吗? KATE: Who? Who? 谁? 谁? EMMA: Simon! Simon! KATE: The football player? 那个踢足球的? EMMA: Yeah! Simon Winters. He was really fit. I never understood why you didnt like him. 是的。 Simon Winters。 他真的很苗条。 我一直都不理解你为什么喜欢他。 KATE: I dont know. I suppose he wasnt very interesting. 我不知道。 我不觉得他很有趣。 EMMA: Back when we were in school, Kate was so popular. She had loads of friends. And she looked great, even back then. In our school, she was the first girl to wear makeup and the first to wear high heels. She would walk down the corridor and all the boys would look at her. 回想当时我们在学校里的时候,Kate很受欢迎的。 她有很多朋友。 她看上去很漂亮,即使是背影也好看。 在我们学校,她是第一个化妆和第一个穿高跟鞋的女孩子。 她会走到走廊里,然后所有的男孩子都会看着她。 EMMA: High schools the time when youre supposed to feel. self-conscious. But Kate always seemed to be so confident. I know why you didnt like Simon, or any of the other boys who liked you, for that matter. You fancied Eric. My brother, Eric. 高中时代是你应该有自我意识的时候。 但是Kate似乎是非常自信的。 我知道为什么你不喜欢Simon或者其他任何喜欢你的男孩子了。 你爱慕Eric。 我的哥哥Eric。 KATE: I did not. 我没有。 EMMA: Cmon, you used to ask me about him all the timeand you always would come over when you knew hed be home. 来吧,你以前常常和我谈起他的...当你知道他要回家的时候总是会过来的。 KATE: I didnt! 我没有! EMMA: You did! And remember, you got so angry with your sister when she went out with him on a date. 你有! 你还记得吗,你当时对一个和他一起出去约会的女孩子很生气。 KATE: It wasnt because of that! That was because of the school play. 并不是因为那个! 是因为学校的活动。 EMMA: Yeah right. It was because of Eric. I know you used to like him. You had a huge crush on him. 对的。 是因为Eric。 我知道你以前喜欢他的。 他把你给迷倒了。 KATE: I did not. 我没有。 EMMA: You did. You did. 你有。 你有。 KATE: I didnt. But he was really cute back then. 我没有。 但是


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