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IR IRS2573D 70W HID灯镇流器解决方案 关键词: HYPERLINK /search/?q=%B5%E7%D4%B4%B9%DC%C0%ED \o 电源管理 \t _blank 电源管理, HYPERLINK /search/?q=+HID%B5%C6%D5%F2%C1%F7%C6%F7 \o HID灯镇流器 \t _blank ?HID灯镇流器, HYPERLINK /search/?q=AC%2FDC%D7%AA%BB%BB%C6%F7 \o AC/DC转换器 \t _blank AC/DC转换器 IR公司的IRS2573D 是全集成全保护的600V HID控制器IC,可驱动任何类型的HID灯.器件内部电路提供了点火,预热,运行和故障操作模式.具有600V高边和低边全桥驱动器,内部的15.6V齐纳二极管箝位VCC,微功耗150uA起动.本文介绍了IRS2573D主要特性,方框图, 典型应用框图以及采用IRS2573D的70W HID灯镇流器参考设计主要特性,框图,电路图,材料清单和PCB布局图. The IRS2573D is a fully-integrated, fully-protected 600V HID control IC designed to drive all types of HID lamps. Internal circuitry provides control for ignition, warm-up, running and fault operating modes. The IRS2573D features include ignition timing control, constant lamp power control, programmable full-bridge running frequency, programmable over and under-voltage protection and programmable over-current protection. Advanced protection features such as failure of a lamp to ignite, open load, short-circuit and a programmable fault counter have also been included in the design. IRS2573D主要特性: Buck, full-bridge and lamp control in one IC Continuous/critical-conduction mode buck control 600V high and low-side full-bridge driver 600V high-side buck Driver Low-side ignition FET gate driver Integrated bootstrap FETs for full-bridge high-side drivers Constant lamp power control Programmable buck cycle-by-cycle over-current protection Programmable buck output voltage limitation Programmable lamp current limitation Programmable full-bridge frequency Fault latch reset input Programmable ignition counter (21sec/64sec typical) Programmable lamp under-voltage fault counter (197sec typical) for short-circuit or lamp does not warm-up Fast transient lamp under-voltage event counter (16384 typical) for arc instability or end-of-life Programmable lamp over-voltage fault counter (787sec typical) for open-circuit or lamp extinguishes Programmable good fault reset counter (2730sec typical) Micro-controller


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