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智 课 网 G R E 备 考 资 料 新GRE写作 issue题库之政治篇【翻译+提纲】(一)- 智课教育旗下智课教育 下文中小编为同学们分享了新GRE写作issue题库之政治篇【翻译+ 提纲】,供同学们参考学习,之前小编也为大家分享了很多新GRE写作i ssue方面的内容,同学们可以总结在一起学习。 如下就是小编为同学们分享的学习篇的,同学们平日里可以多多阅 读,加以积累,形成自己的写作思路,时间长了 GRE写作 水平一定会有所提高。政治 50 Government officials should rely on their own judgment rather than unquestioningly carry out the will of the people they serve. 政府官员应该依靠自己的判断做决定,而不是不假思索地遵从大众 的意愿。 115 Government officials should rely on their own judgment rather than unquestioningly carry out the will of the people whom they serve. 政府官员应该依靠自己的判断做决定,而不是不假思索地遵从大众 的意愿。 114 Any leader who is quickly and easily influenced by shifts in popular opinion will accomplish little. 若是短期地、轻易地被民众的意见所左右,任何领导必定一事无成 。 .可供参考老题库45 “Government officials should rely on their own judgment rather than unquestioningly carrying out the will of the people whom they serve.”政府官员应该有自己的判断力,而 不应该盲 目地依从人民的意愿\ Disagree 1. Admittedly, it is hard to get a good rapport of all the people. 2. However, in a democratic society, government is elected by the people, and therefore should take the responsibility to serve for the people and realize their will. 3. Without the support of the people, government is bound to perish. 少数和多数 ,政府 观点:agree政府官员应该有自己的判断,但也不能忽视人民的意 愿 1. 政治官员通常是杰出的个人the outstanding individuals in the society,他们通常有着较高的学识high wisdom,敏锐的判断力acute judgment,长 远的目光long view,所以他们更能作出正确的决定。如 :A)邓小平改革开放reform and opening policy,中国经济实现了巨大的进步 B)罗斯福(F. D. Roosevelt)新政(New deal),美国recovery from the Depression and World War II 2. at the same time但是,一个人的能力是有限的,不能保证政治 家做出的决策总是对的。人民相对而言处在社会的底层 ,更清楚的了解 人民的真正的需求。作为领导着 ,应该市场保持与群众的联系 ,及时了 解他们的建议 ,加以思考,作为自己判断的依据 ,但不是被其左右。相 反如果 ,总是忽略人民意愿与需要 ,可能会使决策脱离现实意义 ,进而 导致人民的反对。 3. nevertheless然而sometimes,it is hard to get consensus over a controversial issue, especially in the reformation, in which the benefits of some pe


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