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  One afternoon, the instructor asked Atsuko to 45 the ball to her teammates so they could knock it 46 the net- NO problem for most people, but it terrified Atsuko. She was afraid of losing face 47 she failed. * 白蒲中学高三英语备课组 苏玲丽 08南通市高三期末调研测试 ——试卷评讲 Key: 1-5: 6-10: 11-12: B B D C B D A D B D D A it的常见用法: 1.指上文提到的事物 2.指时间,天气,距离,环境等 3.用作形式主语、形式宾语 4.用于强调句型 5.用于一些固定句式如: It is…before…还要过(多久)才… / 过了(多久)才… It is…since… 自从…以来…就… 6.用于固定表达如:forget it, make it, got it等 ★注意:it 与that和one的区别:表示上文中同一事物时,用it;表示同类事物时,用 that(特指 =the one) 或 one(泛指)。 When表示 “这时”: 1. was/ were doing…when… 2. was/ were about to do…when… 3. was/ were on the point of doing…when… 4. had almost done…when… 5. had done sth. and was/ were going to do... when… 正在做某事,这时… 正要做某事,这时… 几乎已经做了某事,这时… 做完了某事正要做另一件事,这时… ★I _______________up hope _____ she visited me at my campus a week later. ★She________________________and___________bed when her father came back from work. ★I___________along the street_____ I came aross my old friend. ★ We were__________out_____the telephone rang. had almost given when had finished her homework was going to was walking when about to go when on the point of going out when… When表示 “这时”:  While l studied at school,I felt a great difficulty in learning my Latin translations.I was always very 36 in using a dictionary,and found it most difficult,while to other boys it seemed no 38. 36.A.quick B.slow C.hard D.good 37.A.made B.got C.found D.left 38.A.trouble B.difference C.labor D.worry Find the answers according to the context 45. A. kick B. pass C. carry D. hit 46. A. through B. into C. over D. past 47. A. after B. if C. because D. until 根据上下文语境知,如果她失败了,会感到很丢失脸的。故选if Find the answers according to the context Pay attention: 1.貌似相同带来的影响 2.题干理解要到位 3.要联系上下文,忌断章取义 4.词义内涵和外延不同所带来的影响 5.注意识别近义词、句的替换 6.所考查的信息分散所带来的影响 *


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