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Hunan International Economics University;;;;Opener;Lead- in questions: 1. Do you often feel that your parents can’t understand you? If no, state your reasons. If yes, from what aspects? No, I can communicate with my parents very well. When I have some trouble, I would tell them and they often show me the right way. I feel grateful to them. Yes, sometimes I find my parents hard to communicate with. For example, they often say that my hairstyle and clothes are very ugly which in my eyes are very fashionable. And they always like to interfere in my study and my friends. They don’t wanna let me go and seem too protective. ;Lead- in questions:;Lead- in questions:;Lead- in questions:;Opener;Proverbs and Quotations;Proverbs and Quotations;Proverbs and Quotations;Opener;Pair work;Listening to News Report;新闻英语文体特点;2. 倒金字塔结构 也称为倒叙法,即按新闻事实重要程度由要点到细节逐步扩展,安排全文。倒金字塔结构把最重要的事实置于全文的第一句中,即新闻导语。导语???知听众最新鲜、最关心、最重要的事实。新闻导语是对整条新闻内容的高度概括,听懂了导语,也就听懂了新闻的主要内容。当然由于新闻报道的重点不同,有时新闻导语可能只包含其中的几个要素。 例如:Ben Wedeman: The gates of Guantanamo(关塔那摩-古巴一城市) were open to the media today. 这一新闻导语包含了以下几个要素。 when : today where: Guantanamo what: Open to the media ;Listening Comprehension;Questions 1 and 2 will be based on the following news item.;Questions 3 and 4 will be based on the following news item.;Keys : ;Tape Scripts:;Tape Scripts:;Reading Interacting;Reading Interacting;Reading Interacting;Speaking and Discussing: ;Speaking and Discussing: ;Speaking and Discussing: ;Skim the text and answer the questions related to the text.;Text Analysis: ;Text Analysis: ;Text Analysis: ;Text Analysis: ;Text Analysis: ; Text Organization; Text Organization;Comprehension Check;2.2 Digging into detail; She is a graduate student at the university. ;2.3 Understanding difficult sentences;;;;;;;;;;;;;;Chinese meaning?;in tow: following behind 跟随;one’s heart/thoughts go out to sb.;take charge of sb./ sth. ;stand in line. ;reflect: v. reflection: n.;if not: perhaps; 要不是,不然;?若非…. ;Staff


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