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Critical Thinking in English Public Speaking 主讲人:陆道夫 教授 南方医科大学外国语学院 Brainstorming Video of brainstorming of American College Students Comments and leads in The outline What is critical thinking? Why is critical thinking? How is critical thinking? The Power of public speaking The critical thinking in the public speaking The Ability to Reason My reason for this topic Sharing ideas with other people; Influencing other people with one’s ideas; Blind spots of thinking and short board of thinking( thesis writing course and literature class) My reason for this topic The power of the speech that has changed the course of history Mahatma Gandhi Eleanor Roosevelt Winston Churchill Nelson Mandela Ronald Reagan Martin Luther King Bill Clinton Barack Obama Mao Zedong My reason for this topic In a survey of nearly 500 business administrative personnel and professionals in China, speaking and listening were ranked as the most important English skills required in their jobs. The ability to speak effectively is so prized that college graduates in China are increasingly being asked to give a presentation as part of their iob interview; My reason for this topic The most important part of speaking is thinking. The goal of public speaking is to communicate worthy thoughts in an effective manner; As you plan the structure of the speeches, you will learn how to organize your thoughts logically and cohesively; As you work on expressing your ideas, you will enhance your ability to think clearly and accurately; As you study the role of evidence and reasoning in speechmaking, you will see how they can be used in other forms of communication as well. What is critical thinking? “reasonable reflective thinking focused on deciding what to believe or to do.” thinking about thinking ,it is a higher-order thinking that questions assumptions. What is critical thinking? the intellectually disciplined process of actively and skillfully conceptualizing, applying, analyzi


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