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Lesson 17: Seeing a Doctor Learning aims: 1. stomachache,better,Dr=doctor,headache, matter,aachoo, medicine,stay,rest,have a rest stomachache...,had better, take medicine,have a+n. Stay home,see a doctor, 2. a.It hurts! b.I have a stomachache! c.You’d better go and see a doctor. d.What’s the matter? e.Take the medicine. f.Stay home and have a good rest. stomachache [st?m?ke?k] n. 肚子痛;胃痛 better [bet?] adj. adv. (good/well的比较级)更好的(地) Dr(=doctor) matter[m?t?] n. 问题 headache [hedeIk] n. 头痛 medicine [medsn] n. 药 stay [steI] v. 停留;留下;待一段时间 rest [rest] v. n. 休息 ⑴See a doctor * * * 看病 ⑵“身体部位+ache”构成合成词 “某部位痛” 主语(为某人)+have a …-ache. headache stomachache have a headache 头痛 have a stomachache 肚子痛 have在本句中的含义是"患(得)病"例如 have a headache 头痛   have a stomachache 肚子痛have a toothache 牙痛 have a cold 感冒 toothache 牙痛 have a toothache 牙痛 tooth ----teeth What is the matter with Jim? Jim怎么了? His head hurts. He has a headache. 他头疼。 What is the matter with me? Your head hurts. You have a headache. 你头疼。 我怎么了? 练习 My ear _______. 疼 I cut my _______. 膝盖 I have a ———— 。 头痛 My finger ————。 疼 hurts knee headache hurts * *



