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精简答案大学体验英语-综合教程4 Unit1 Passage A Read and think 3 1~5 BADDC Read and think 4 media images abusive fulfilling recognition status stresses aware deserve Read and complete 5 1. obligation 2. applauded 3. fulfilled 4. mirror 5. flexibility 6. devalue 7. striving 8. entailed 9. supposedly 10. Consequently? Read and complete 6 referred to as at best by the same token at large held up...as Read and translate 8 随着职务的提升,他担负的责任也更大了。 With his promotion,he has taken on greater responsibilities. 他感到他没有必要再一次对约翰承担这样的责任了。 He felt he did not have to make such a commitment to John any more. 闲暇时玛丽喜欢外出购物,与她相反,露西却喜欢呆在家里看书。 Mary likes to go shopping in her spare time, as opposed to Lucy,who prefers to stay at home reading. 说好听一点,可以说他有抱负,用最糟糕的话来说,他是一个没有良心或没有资格的权力追求者。 At best he’s ambitious,and at worst a power-seeker without conscience or qualifications. 我们已经尽全力想说服他,但是却毫无进展。 We have striven to the full to convince him ,but we have made no headway. 大学体验英语-综合教程4 Unit2 Passage A Read and think 2 1~5 ACAAC Read and think 4 warned communication dangerous identities cheated illustrates advantages differently appearance opportunities Read and complete 5 awaited have overtaken pose cues has undermined soptted judged distracted offend mask Read and complete 6 1. brought out 2. with the exception of 3. thanks to 4. taken in 5. capable of Read and translate 8 要是他适合当校长,那么哪个学生都可以当。 He is no more fit to be a headmaster than any schoolboy would be. 至于她的父亲,她不敢肯定他是否会接收她和她的小孩。 As for her father ,she is not sure whether he will accept her and her baby. 晚睡会损害健康而早睡早起有益于健康。 Staying up late will undermine one’s health while going to bed early and getting up early will benefit it. 大使亲自向总理转达了总统的问候。 The ambassador personally conveyed the president’s message to the premier. 这个女孩决定敞开心扉,把她看到的一切都告诉警方。 The girl decided to open up and told the polic



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