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4. I’d like to come up to your apartment. 阅读下列句子,在括号中标注出come up的汉语意思 ①Mr. Smith came up(_________)and said, “Glad to meet you. ” ②A number of questions came up____________at the meeting. ③I’ll let him know in time if anything comes up__________ ④The seeds I sowed last week haven’t come up__________yet. ⑤I like to get up early and watch the sun come up__________. 走过来) (被提出) (发生). (发芽) (上升). ⑥Many questions___in today’s English class, which was more than the new teacher had expected.                [2011长春高一检测] came up   B. came up with   C. rose   D. was come up A The manager came up with a solution to the problem. A solution to the problem came up in the meeting. come up     走近;上来;发芽;(被)提出;发生;上升   come on     加油;(催促)快点来吧 come about   发生;造成 come across   碰见;(偶然)发现 Yesterday I___an old college friend in the restaurant, who is a government___. A. came up; official    B. came to; office C. came out; office     D. came across; official D 5. It was based more on German than the English we speak at present . (P10) base v. 意为“以……为根据, base sth. on/upon sth be based on。如 This novel is based on fact. Swan Lake is a famous ballet in four acts,________ on a German fairy tale. A basing B based C bases D to base B __________ on a true story, his first book will be published (出版) next month. Based [拓展] base还可用作名词, 意为“底部, 基地, 基础”等。如: How many military(军事) bases are they maintaining(维持) on foreign soil? Many languages have Latin as their base. This vase falls over a lot because the base is too small. basic adj. 基本的 baseball basement 2)at present      现在;目前 present adj. 当前的, 现在的 (作前置定语) Can you tell us something about the present situation? What’s your present job? 出席的, 在场的 (作表语或后置定语) Our teacher was present at the meeting. All the people present agree to my plan. n. 礼物 What present did you receive from your parents on your birthday? vt. 赠与,给, 提出 present sb. with sth. 或present s


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