人教版高一英语必修一unit2 ppt..ppt

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人教版高一英语必修一unit2 ppt.

Answer following questions. (Para.5) India was ruled by Britain from 1765 to 1947. And during that time English became the language for government and education. Why does English become a second language in India? 15. for example 例如 列举一个 (逗号隔开,位置灵活) such as 例如 列举多项(不用逗号,不能列举完) that is 即 ,就是 列举完,逗号隔开 Many famous singers, _____ Wang Fei and SHE, have acted in films. A such B for example C that is D such as 【经典例题】 用that is,such as,for example填空 (1)He knows three languages,_______, Chinese,French and English. (2)What would you do if you met a wild animal—a lion,__________? (3)The farmer grows various kinds of crops,_______wheat,corn,cotton and rice. (4)Matter may be invisible;air,__________,is this kind of the matter. that is for example such as for example 16. a number of ....+ C 复 大量的…(做主谓复) the number of … + C 复 …的数量(做主谓单) eg. A number students are waiting outside. 许多学生正在外面等。 The number of students in our class is 50. 我们班学生的数量是50. 注意: number后的名词都是 可数名词复数 【经典例题】 A number of people_____ been invited to the party, but the exact number ____ still unknown. A. has; is B. have; are C. has; are D. have; is 1.Which of the following statement is true? A. Languages always stay the same B. Languages change only after wars C. Languages no longer change D. Languages change when cultures change Post reading 2. From AD 450 to 1150, English sounded more like_____? A. French B. Chinese C. German D. Russian 3. Shakespeare’s English was spoken around ______? A. 1400’s B. 1150’s C. 450’s D. 1600’s 4. Which country has the fastest growing number of English speakers in the world? A. Australia B. China C. India D. Britain AD450--1150 English was based on _______ AD800--1150 and


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