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PAGE PAGE 32 汉英法律专业词汇 (法理、法制史)Jurisprudence, History of Legal Systems 按照法律规定:according to law 按照确定的份额分享权力:be entitled to rights in proportion to his proper share of the credit 按照确定的份额分担义务:assume obligations in proportion to his proper share of the debt 案例教学法:case system 案例汇编:case book; case report; law report 被视为:be deemed as 被宣布为非法:be outlawed; be declared illegal 比较法:comparative law 比较法学:comparative jurisprudence 比较法学派:school of comparative jurisprudence 比较法制史: comparative legal history 比较分析法:method of comparative analysis 比较刑法:comparative penal law 比较刑法学:comparative penal jurisprudence 必然因果关系:positive causal relationship 边缘法学:borderline jurisprudence 变通办法:adaptation; accommodation 补充规定:supplementary provision 补救办法:remedial measures 不成文法:unwritten law 不动产所在地法律:law of the place where the real property is situated; lex loci rei immobilisci 不可分割的权利:impartible right 不可抗力 :force majuere 不可侵犯性:inviolability 不可让与性:inalienability 不履行法律义务:non-performance of obligation 不要式行为:informal act 不要因的法律行为:non-causal juristic act 不因实效而丧失的权利:imprescriptible right 不作为:abstain from an act; act of omission 部门法:department law 部门规章:regulation 参照 :consult 参照具体情况: in the light of actual conditions 参照原文: consult the original 亚里士多德: Aristotle 柏拉图: Plato 德拉古: Draco 盖尤斯: Gaius 西塞罗: Marcus Tullius Cicero 乌尔比安 Ulpianus 罗马皇帝优士丁尼一世: Justinian I 乌尔比安: Ulpianus 西塞罗: Marcus Tullius Cicero 优士丁尼皇帝: Justinian《罗马法律汇编》:Roman Digest 《民法大全》:Corpus Juris Civilis 优士丁尼法典: the Codex Justinianus 《优士丁尼民法大全》(《国法大全》):Corpus Juris Civilis 《十二表法》: Twelve Tables 拿破仑法典:  The Code Napolean 《日耳曼法》:Germanic law 《教会法大全》Corpus Juris Canonici 《汉穆拉比法典》: Code of Hammurabi 《保护人权与基本自由公约》(1950) :Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms, 1950 (罗) 查士丁尼法典:Code Justinian; Codex Justinianus 查士丁尼法规汇编: Authenticum 《德国民法典》:German Civil code 《大宪章》(1215) :Great Charter, 1215(英) 欧洲大陆法: continental law 南京条约: (1843) Treaty of Nanking, 1843 罗马-日耳曼法系: Roman-Germanic family 罗马私法: Jus Privatum 罗马法学派: school of Roma


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